Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Play Till The Final Whistle

On Super Bowl Sunday I preached a message relating life to the four quarters of a football game.  As most fans know a football game is divided into 4 periods consisting of 15 minutes or ¼ of an hour.  Each quarter in the game can have a different strategy or momentum.  It is possible to start well in the first quarter and lose the game in the fourth quarter by not finishing well.  Inversely a poor start can be overcome by learning, correcting mistakes and improving over the course of each quarter and finishing well.   So, in the game of football the final outcome is often never certain until final quarter.  Therefore, it is important to do as well as one can making the most of each quarter.

I related the importance and uncertainty of the four quarters of a football game to the up and down periods of life.  Moses speaks of this in Psalm 90: 10 where he says, “Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures.” If we divide those 80 years into four quarters we have the first quarter of our life as birth -20.  The second quarter would be 21-40.  Ages 41-60 would be the third quarter giving us a fourth quarter of 61-80.  Of course some go into overtime and live past eighty.  As you can imagine, especially if you are a football fan, one can make many parallels in this analogy.  I may have gone a little past noon with the sermon that day. 

I will be 60 in June.  According to my analogy (with the third quarter being ages 41-60), I am in the last minutes of the 3rd quarter of my life (if I don’t get hit by a truck later today).  As a team concludes the third quarter and prepares for the final quarter often they will gather to remind themselves of the importance in finishing well.  I have been extremely blessed in my previous years.  My first quarter got off to a great start in a loving home where I was nurtured into the joy of God’s love by parents who loved God, one another, their children, life and laughter.  I grew up in a small southern town where most of us knew each other, if not well we knew who we were to wave and give a pleasant greeting.  I got off to a great start.  My second quarter was fed by that positive momentum.  I followed God’s call for my life, found a special gift for lifetime companionship.  We married and raised two wonderful girls.  So I felt I had a comfortable lead entering into the third quarter.  Life began chipping away as that big lead during the 3rd quarter.  I lost both parents, experienced work difficulties and had medical issues that threatened to take me out of the game.  Miraculous major surgeries allowed me to keep in the game.  As I conclude the third quarter I feel the momentum returning and look forward to finishing well. 

I don’t know where you are in life’s game.  All can make our own personal analogy.  Some experienced bad breaks at the opening whistle starting off in a deficit and feel overwhelmed ‘playing to catch up’ every day.   Even you felt the entire game has been more struggle than fun, take heart you are still in the game.  All of us have memories those who are no longer in the game as we had family or friends taken out in each quarter.  If you are reading this the clock has not yet run out on you.  There is always time to rally.  Unlike football, we do not have a scoreboard in life that shows us the number of minutes we have remaining.  Psalm 90:12 says, “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” We are reminded in Scripture of the brevity of life (James 4:14), of the need to take advantage of every opportunity (Eph. 5:15).  So as we break this huddle let us realize there is no time to lose.  Play hard with passion until the final whistle, making the most of each day by living an abundant life loving God with all your heart, loving others as you love yourself.  Live each day as if it is the game breaker!