Wednesday, February 6, 2013

So God Made a Pastor

Recently a Super Bowl commercial received rave reviews showing wonderful pictures while to a recording of Paul Harvey reciting a poem honoring farmers.  I was very moved by the poem and the reading by Paul Harvey.  My grandfather was a farmer.  I will always have special memories of my time as a child helping with the chores (as least he let me think I was helping).  That work ethic still guides me today as a minister.  The poem stayed with me and I penned the following as a way to honor my peers who work long and hard following God’s call as a pastor.  So with apologies to Mr. Harvey;
And Jesus founded his church on the recognition and confession of him as the Messiah and savior of all who place faith in him.  He sacrificed himself on the cross taking on man’s rightful punishment for sin.  He rose from the grave conquering death, sin and the grave and ascended to Heaven interceding on our behalf to this day.  Looking from Heaven he saw the struggles of his church and said, "I need a caretaker!” So, God made a pastor!
God said I need somebody to get up before dawn and pray for my church and work all day studying, preparing sermons and stay late visiting people in their homes, hospitals and community, eat supper and then go to meetings and other visits whenever needed to give guidance and comfort. So, God made a pastor!
God said I need somebody with strength. Strong enough to let people lean on him when their lives are falling apart, yet gentle enough to hold and bless a newborn baby and celebrate life with first time parents. Somebody sturdy enough to boldly speak up when sitting quietly may be more popular, able to face cantankerous troublemakers with steadfastness and then forgive their misdeeds, gossip or slander, able to skip a meal and wear a worn out suit and give his food to a needy person or clothe a poor person and tell them he’s ok and glad to do it because they need it more than him...and mean it. So, God made a pastor!
God said "I need somebody that can answer questions that confound the wise, give hope to those who seem to have lost everything, bring peace to unimaginable conflict, restore faith in those who have given up. And...who, at Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and other special holiday times and seasons, will finish his forty hour week by Wednesday noon. Then, worn out from mental, physical and emotional fatigue, put in another seventy two hours. So, God made a pastor!
God had to have somebody willing to cancel his own day off or personal respite when there was a death, sickness or spiritual need yet stop everything to make certain he did not neglect his family when others called on him so regularly. So, God made a pastor!
God said, "I need someone old enough to have experience and maturity, wise as Solomon and yet young enough to have energy to play softball with the teenagers and chase with the children and jump rope with the girls...and who will stop everything for an hour to help a widow change her tire. So, God made a pastor!
It had to be somebody who'd do the right thing...even when no one was watching. Somebody to study late, study early, pray long and hard...and do without so others could have more. Somebody to look after those who were alone and then finish a hard days work with one more visit. Somebody who'd keep his family together with the soft strong bonds of sharing God’s grace, patience and love, who'd laugh and then sigh and hang in there when most would want to give up...and then respond with smiling eyes, when his Heavenly Father says “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share my happiness!'". So, God made a pastor!