Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Ultimate Game

Every year the NFL concludes their season with the Super Bowl, the ‘Ultimate Game’! I wonder how the ‘ultimate game’ could played again every year, but that may explain why I am not the sports fan I once was. I thought Walter Cronkite (who was once the most trusted voice in news...when news voices could be trusted) put it in proper perspective when, years ago, the first Super Bowl was played at the Super Dome in New Orleans. Here was human arrogance at it’s best; the ultimate game, at the ultimate stadium with an opinion from the ultimate news voice (see what time has done to all). But, Walter did not disappoint. He looked into the face of the reporter and said, “I think it is fascinating to see this much attention and this many people focused on something that has no real historical significance whatsoever.” Way to go Walter! After all, it is just a game. Don’t miss the point. Sports and hobbies are not bad or wrong. In fact, they can be good and helpful. However, when we spend too much time and get too caught up and place out treasure in the wrong place…well someone far wiser than me (or even Walter Cronkite) said it better; “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth…but store up treasures in heaven…For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21)
It is vital that we never lose sight on what is of real value. Eternal things are the only things that have real value. They take priority over all else. All else should come as an afterthought or things to do when eternal things are settled and taken care of. I think of how much time I once spent in front of the mirror and money once used on hair spray or other items to make sure every hair was in it’s proper place and stayed that way. Now, that seems foolish since it is becoming easier to comb my hair with a wet rag and go. The point is this; we need to spend our time, energy and money on that which will be a lasting investment. According to Jesus, the only investments that will last are those that are eternal. What is eternal? Your salvation is eternal. Do all you can and invest all your time and energy to find Christ as your Lord and Savior. Then lead others to that same eternal treasure. You see the second thing that is eternal is relationships. Yes, you can carry relationships into eternity. Your relationship with your Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will move into the next life. Although Jesus tells us that our relationships will be somewhat different in Heaven, we will no longer marry or be given in marriage, He also tells us that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. I believe that our relationships of love with our fellowman are meant to be eternal treasures. So, each day focus on the real important 'game' of life that is super and ultimate.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Strength, Humility and Hope

It is a grand time in our country. We have a new president moving into the White House. There is no other country on the planet now or in history that exhibits the civil transfer of power as does the United States of America. No matter how one voted, this is and should always be a time of great celebration of our freedom and unique strength as a nation. I hope our new president finds a special place in the White House. I read that there is an unpainted section of the White House on the Truman Balcony. It is exposed charred wood that was burned when the White House was occupied by the British and burned in the war of 1812. History can be quite interesting. This section was left exposed as a reminder of that occupation for three reasons that we should always remember as a nation and as children of God today.
As is often indicated in the Old Testament, and today, we are still people of a short memory. We frequently need historical reminders of God’s grace and providence in our spiritual lives as well as in the life of our nation. As we stand at another significant time in the life of our nation I thought it would be appropriate to remember the three reasons for the exposed charred wood on the Truman balcony.
First, it is a reminder of STRENGTH. The United States of America was strong enough to be established as a free nation where people could live and worship freely. This freedom gave us the strength to come back from the British invading and taking the capital. We were strong enough to regain the White House and rebuild it and it remains a symbol of strength today. We must never forget that strength that comes from freedom.
Second, it is a reminder of HUMILITY. We must always remember that we can fall. We must never take our sovereignty or strength for granted. We have previously had foreigners invade and burn our capital. We must never become too proud.
Finally, there is always HOPE. No matter how dark the days may seem there is always hope when men seek freedom. That is the American dream. Even when the President of the United States of America had to flee and run for his life as the White House was invaded by a foreign power and burned there was hope for the future. All was not lost. The war was won. The White House was regained. The country became stronger. We must always have hope.
As a follower of Jesus I find eternal strength in Him as I can do all things through Him (Philippians 4:13), I seek to follow His eternal example of Humility (Philippians 2:1-12) and I find my hope for eternity through faith in Him (John 14:1-6). As an American I ask that you will join me in praying that our elected leaders will find and follow that same triune of Strength, Humility and Hope.