Monday, April 13, 2009

A Good Trip

A few years ago I was in Texas with my daughter visiting Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary as she considered her future as a possible student there. We had a reservation in the guesthouse but the address was new to me. Although an alumnus, it has been several years since I had been on campus. Both city and campus had seen much change. Buildings stand where fields and trees once were while buildings that once existed are now gone. I must also admit some memory changes with age added to the confusion. I might as well be honest about it, adding sin to senility won’t help.

I’m used to travel in my work as a minister. One month I logged over 15,000 miles covering 8 separate states and 3 different countries. As you well know men don’t need directions. I have never been lost. But, I must admit, still being honest, that although I have never been lost (I knew I was still on God's earth and He knew where I was) I have had the opportunity for some unexpected scenery and unusual arrival on several occasions.

Even though we had been sent written directions with our reservations, I was going to a building that did not exist in my previous days on campus and a place I had never been before. We needed to check in before 11 pm and were running close on time as I was finding myself in unchartered territory and growing nervous, on the inside, as my daughter still needed to have confidence in Dad didn't need to see me panic. However, she was 21 and at this point she probably knew I was bluffing and lost (OK I admit it this time). Suddenly a campus security car came into view. I hit the brake lights hard to gain his attention and he stopped. Swallowing pride I asked for directions to the guesthouse. “Do you have a room?” He asked politely. I told him my daughter and I had made a reservation. “Follow me, I will take you there.” He wheeled his car around in front of mine and gave me an escort to the front door.

I immediately saw this as a direct parallel to John 14:1-3 where Jesus tells us, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”, we now had confidence of safe secure arrival with someone who knew the way because he had been there before and could protect us along the way. Nothing could prevent a safe arrival to our final destination. What a sense of peace to follow the guard then walk to the desk and see my name in the register because I had a reserved room.

When you admit your need and trust Jesus as savior and Lord you are promised a reserved room in the Father’s house (v.2). He went there after His death and resurrection. He promised to return and take you there (v.3). He knows the way. If you know Him you do also. He has been through experiences that we face, as Hebrews 4:15 reminds us, and he is ready to lead us safely through all that faces us, even death. John 10:27-29 is the promise of security. Jesus is your assurance for a good journey and guaranteed safe arrival to a reserved destination! The journey is much easier when a safe arrival to your secure destination is guaranteed.