Friday, December 21, 2018

Peace on Earth?

The Christmas story begins with an Angelic pronouncement; “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14).  I have wondered  about this over the years.  We talk and sing about peace, especially at Christmas.  The Bible is filled with references to Jesus as the Prince of Peace but there hasn’t been peace on earth or good will among men in my lifetime or before.  We see war among nations, violence against fellowman.  Road rage is one of the latest examples of our downward spiral.  Even churches are not always strongholds of peace.  All too often there is heated conflict is a place that should be the most peaceful place on earth. 

Our social life, homes, marriages & families are not always peaceful.  Before you finish reading this, if you don’t get bored and quit before the end, 15 people in our country alone will be sexually assaulted.  Somewhere in America a woman is battered every 15 seconds, usually by her boyfriend or spouse.  These alarming statistics do not mention emotional bullying that goes on in homes.  Not only is God’s peace aborted but there are lasting scars from such conflict

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men”?  Has He forgotten us?  Has He intended to leave us to be at the mercy of this sin scarred world?  NO!  The door to sin in this world was opened by mankind.  We are all part of keeping that door open.  Romans 3:23 tells us that we are all prone to sin and conflict with our fellow man.  This is not something new.  Genesis tells us that Cain killed his own brother.  There were only four people on the planet at that time.  If he couldn’t get along with his brother he could have moved to France or Italy.     

Not only are we prone to conflict with our fellowman but we are engaged in conflict with ourselves; Paul gives a startling self-confession in Romans 7:15 stating; “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”  Raise your hand if you could have written that sentence.  My hand is already up so you might as well be honest also. 

But wait, don’t accuse me of ruining your Christmas mood yet, while we were sinners God loved us (Romans 5:8) and provided a solution, a savior.  This is why we sing “Glory to God in the highest”.  Christmas not really about presents, decorations, etc.  It is about the most spectacular event ever; God interrupted and invaded and human history!  It is this invasion/interruption that provides salvation, our hope for peace and good will.  Peace on earth is available but only by repenting and following this savior, Jesus by faith.  Jesus IS the Prince of Peace.  But, what kind of peace does he promise?
Jesus came at a time when there seemed to be peace…well sorta.  There was what was known as Pax Romania (Latin for "Roman peace").  Rome was such an overwhelming world power that no one dared to oppose them so this was a time of relative peace in the world…unless Caesar woke up in a foul mood.   

Many families practice such a peace today.  One person is so dominant that all others fall in line to keep peace thus creating family systems (dysfunction) to have ‘peace’.  Don’t bother daddy when he is…tired, busy, drinking, etc.   We don’t mess with momma cause when momma ain’t happy”…well you know the rest of the sentence.  Or there is the well-known, “Let the children do whatever keeps them from fussin’!”  Outside the family we create systems that isolate and blames others for problems.  That school/church doesn’t understand my child.”  They don’t know what they’re doing at work” (or church and especially in government).   Living in this type of ‘peace’ actually creates future conflict.

Real internal and eternal peace is not found by any human, family system that creates temporary quiet with latent unrest.  It is not found by any religious/church action that may ease conscience but does not deal with real problem.  We are all sinners who need grace/transformation/salvation.  Real internal and eternal peace is only comes from God through faith in Christ.

So if you find yourself still struggling to find that lasting peace in your life/world look again at the verse.  “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”  His peace comes to those “on whom his favor rests”.  There is much said that is often incorrect about God’s favor.  When in doubt always look to see what Bible says.  Genesis says that “the Lord looked with FAVOR on Abel and his offering”. A bit later on it declares that “Noah found FAVOR in the eyes of the Lord.” God said to Moses, “I know you by name and you have found favor with me.” One of the primary prayers of David was “May the FAVOR of the Lord our God rest upon us.”  The chief theme lifted up in the Bible concerning the childhood and youth of Jesus is that He “grew in wisdom and stature and in FAVOR with God and men.”  And Jesus inaugurated His public ministry by saying that He had come to proclaim the year of the Lord's…what? That’s right, “FAVOR.”  God proclaimed at the baptism of Jesus and the Transfiguration, “This is my Son upon whom my favor rests.”

The Bible makes clear that God seems to look with FAVOR upon those who are obedient to His commands and calling.   Peace on earth, peace in life begins with peace with God.  Peace with God comes to those on whom his favor rests.  So how and to whom does his favor rest?  His favor rests on those who have been reconciled (brought to peace with God in Christ) living a lifestyle of sustained obedience to God’s desires– not a momentary bowing when you need his help or a once a week attendance to a religious service, but a day-by-day humble commitment to discovering God’s desires and then doing those things. Check out the following verses; Matthew 6:10: “Thy will be done”,  Luke 22:42: “Not my will but thine be done!” and  Luke 9:23: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”  God’s Favor, and peace, comes only when we surrender our ego to him.  Those familiar with my preaching are familiar with my acrostic to better understand and define ego;
E dge
G od
O ut
When we follow our EGO we Edge God Out and the results are never as good as when we allow Him in.  When there is peace with God, there is inner peace.  When there is inner peace, there is peace with your fellowman.  Living and sharing this peace is contagious.  I hope you find and share this peace today, tomorrow and every day for the rest of your days.