Monday, March 5, 2012

Pay Attention!

Every Sunday I get up and prepare to go to church to do my best to deliver God’s truth in a way that people can understand and apply to change and improve their lives.  It is not a task I take lightly.  James 3:1 reminds me, “…that we who teach will be judged more strictly.”  It is important that I get it right and seek do my best every week.  That is why I spend hours each week in study and preparation.  II Timothy 2:15 tells me (and you), “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”  That is why I went through the sacrifice, expense and effort to earn Master’s and Doctorate degrees.  Lifetime change and eternity may hang in the balance for someone each time a message preached or heard.  That is why I also urge members of every congregation to do their best to be good listeners. 
Just this week as I went about my normal routine on Sunday morning I was having breakfast and flipped through a couple of channels on the TV.  The image of a well-known pastor flashed across the screen.  I paused to hear what he was saying.  It was a typical ‘feel-good’ message.  I am continually amazed at the number of people who flock to any speaker from pulpit or political podium who will tell them what they want to hear or make them feel good.  I should not be surprised as 2 Timothy 4:3 says, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”  There is growing spiritual, political and social confusion today as we love to hear what sounds good.  Anyway before I get too carried away back to my point; in just a few short minutes I was shocked to hear him refer to a verse of scripture to make his point.  My shock came, not because he used scripture, but because he misused the verse.  It sounded good and helped him drive home his point but the popular speaker’s point was the exact opposite of what the truth of the scripture actually taught when placed in its full context. 
As soon as I heard this I cried out (my wife is used to me doing that at the TV) “That is not what the Bible teaches! It teaches just the opposite point!”  I was shocked as no one in the congregation cried out, walked out or seemed surprised at what they heard.  In fact, the camera panned to people applauding, nodding approval and taking notes.   It sounded good, made them feel good, he is an impressive and smooth speaker, his hair looks nice.  It must me true!  However, it was completely false according to the truth of the scripture!  No one seemed to notice or care.  It is always dangerous when untruth is accepted rather than corrected.  This is why it is vital to be good listeners! 
I am continually amazed as we often listen with numbed minds to preachers, politicians, celebrities and anyone who can gain a forum.  I have known enough preachers to know that most are honest and sincere but also it does not hurt to be skeptical and careful when I listen to what is being proclaimed (again eternity may hang in the balance, it is important to be careful). The amount of spiritual confusion seems to be growing. I have been around long enough to realize that while many seek and serve as humble public servants, often a politician’s promise is as sound as the dollar that their policies keep inflating.   And I have never figured out why we give such credibility to the words of celebrities.  They may be attractive, rich and eloquent but they make their living primarily from reading what others have written, being good at acting or playing a role (we used to call that pretending when I was a kid) or being paid to say what they say. 
No matter how polished, popular or attractive the speaker may be (by the way that lets me out) one should always listen with an objective and educated ear.  How do you do this?  Always do your homework before and after you listen.  There are many voices out there.  In the final analysis, your life will be shaped by how you respond to what you hear.  “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”