Friday, September 22, 2017

The End???

Here we go again.  Another ‘religious’ group has predicted the rapture will happen and they say it will be tomorrow.  The ‘rapture’ is the belief that the true followers of Jesus will bodily ascend to Heaven just before the tribulation and terrible events begin that lead to the end of this world as we know it.  Before you panic and begin overindulging on your favorite desserts as a last meal, remember this is not the first prediction.  In fact, over history many have tried to predict the end times according to various interpretations of scripture.  Obviously all have been wrong since we are still here and you are reading this (if you have not dozed off already). 

Rather than all these predictions made on obscure, misguided and wild interpretations of the scriptures I think it is best to look what the Bible does say clearly about the matter.  1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 says; “Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief.”  A thief in the night does not announce a time of his coming.  So the Bible is telling us not to worry about any prediction and don’t feel bad if it surprises you.  Believers will be surprised just as those ‘in darkness’ will also be surprised.  The rest of the chapter guides believers to live an honorable life being alert and aware of God’s teaching and encourage others to do the same.

Jesus is even clearer on the subject as He shared in Matthew 24:36 that no one has a clue on the timing except God in Heaven; “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” So according to Jesus, no one on earth or even the angels of heaven know when the end will come.  Consequently, according to Jesus, anyone who claims to know when the end is coming is wrong.  Jesus is clear about an ending of this sin-scarred world.  It will happen!  We are just not to know or worry about when.  He gives us many teachings and parables guiding us to live a life being prepared, watching, waiting and ready for that day. 

He also teaches in John 14 that he is going to prepare a room in Heaven for everyone who places faith in Him.  He will also come back and take us to our room in Heaven when our time on this earth ends.  So whether it is the end of ‘the’ world or the end of ‘your’ world, rest assured if you are a born again follower of Jesus, He is coming to take you to your eternal home in Heaven and it will be OK…well it will actually be more than OK; it will be great! 

So what does this all mean?  Well, if you are born again, you just need to make the most of each day with a joyful expectancy that when your life ends Jesus will come and escort you to a glorious eternal existence.  As John Wayne would say, “You can take that to the bank in Denver!”  I never really knew what that meant but when he said it in the movies it sounded like something you could count on.  Whether you like John Wayne or not, you can definitely trust what Jesus tells us in John 14!  So born again believers need to live each day knowing life on earth is fleeting, fragile and brief.  We never know when it may come to a sudden end for us, so we need to live each moment as if it could be our last. 

Let me close with two personal stories that I hope will make the point.  At seminary a couple of friends and I were pulling an all-night cram session for our Greek exam the next day.  As the night wore on and hopeless desperation creeped in, my buddies decided the best thing to do was to pray for Jesus (and the rapture) to come before the Greek exam.  I told them that my faith was not as strong as theirs so I was going to study while they prayed.  Living a life of expectation does not mean you ignore or shirk the responsibilities of giving your best in all you need to do each day.  The best way to live, as Jesus clearly taught, is to be ready but continue to live a full life doing your best while here on earth at each moment. 

The second personal story came at a time that precedes my seminary studies.  My theology was not as fully developed then but hang with the story because the end message is theologically sound and makes a good point.  A couple of guys who had been some of my closest friends as we grew up together contacted me.  After college we got jobs that took us in different directions.  We had not seen each other in quite a while and circumstances were going to allow us to all be in the same city for a day.  We decided to get together.  My buddies chose to meet at a well-known bar.  I didn’t drink but I wanted to see them and decided to have my drink of choice, Dr. Pepper.  I also knew that three was my limit.  Anyway, we were enjoying catching up with one another when I had this strange stirring and began to think, “What if the end of the world came right now and Jesus came for me.  I would hate for him to have to come in this bar to get me.”   Remember, there were some holes in my theology at that time but at least I was sure of my salvation and give me credit for being concerned about what Jesus would find me doing.  I told my buddies that I was enjoying our time together but I would wait and finish our visit outside.  I guess I thought the parking lot would be a better place to meet with Jesus than inside the bar. 

I asked you to hang with the story and if you have here is the point.  I doubt if the rapture will come tomorrow, as this latest group has predicted.  However, the end will come for all of us.  So the best thing to do, since we know it question is not ‘if’ but ‘when’, is to live a life where every moment of your day you are involved in an activity, attitude, relationship or location where you would not be ashamed but would be proud if Jesus suddenly showed up.  That means, as 1 Corinthians 10:31 teaches; “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”  So, if Jesus shows up for all of us tomorrow (don’t hold your breath) or if He comes for you (or me) whenever it is time for our life on earth to end, I hope you will make every effort to be ready and always be found rejoicing in the abundant life He died for you to have and loving your fellowman as you love yourself.  So whatever happens I hope tomorrow is great for you!