Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Best Investment in Uncertain Times

We are in the midst of some of the most uncertain times most of us can remember. All the things we once trusted for a secure future seem to be eroding. Our retirement, savings, jobs and financial security are just the tip of the iceberg. By the way, the icebergs seem to be melting under us. Many are worried about the future of the planet on which we live. For the first time in my memory the future of our country has come into question. A recent study has indicated by the year 2025 the U.S.A. will decline in financial and military influence in the world.

Religious people are looking at signs and seeking to fill in prophecy charts to find answers. False prophets will continue to take advantage of these times and confuse many. They have done this for years. People have incorrectly been looking for the Antichrist and other signs of fulfilled prophecy to be ready and get the jump on being prepared for the end of things for thousands of years. In Paul’s days there were many who quit working because they thought it pointless since the signs pointed to an immanent end of the world as they knew it. Paul wrote that those who did not work shall not eat. Evidently he would not be in favor of government welfare for able bodied citizens.

Many thought Kaiser Wilhelm was the Antichrist and World War I was Armageddon and the end was near. Obviously that theology has changed. But we seem to be a people of a short memory as were the Israelites. We continually mistakenly look to false prophets, mistaken interpretation of prophecy, the next Antichrist and miss the point of the message God gave us about the end.

First, there will be an end to things as they are. All things that are created by God change and move toward a conclusion that is purposeful. Second, he has given us the knowledge we need to follow toward that end. We are going to be held accountable with how we spend our lives here. That is the best way (and only way) to prepare for that conclusion. Placing faith in Christ or rejecting the offer of his salvation for one’s sin determines one’s final destination in either Heaven or Hell but God has clearly indicated that there are still degrees of reward or judgment depending on what one does with the time and opportunities here. That is the simple purpose of life.

The twenty fifth chapter of Matthew is one of Jesus’ most clear teachings on the end times. He tells us that it will come unexpectedly. By the way whenever we die that is the end time. I have conducted funerals for babies less than one year old and people nearly one hundred. Jesus has not yet fulfilled his prophetic promise to come again but for them that was clearly the ‘end time’. It can come for us when we are completely unaware so we must always be ready for life to end and be prepared.

He also tells us that each has been given certain expectations and opportunities in life and it is anticipated that we will use these as our ‘investment’ into eternity by giving and multiplying them for God’s benefit more than our own.

Finally, he tells us that the way we conduct ourselves by showing love to those who need it most is the best way we can prepare for the end. As we do this we show how we love Him. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'”

So stop worrying about tomorrow. You can be secure in your investments. The future is not uncertain. Your life, as you know it will end. You will have to give an accounting for your ‘investment’. Show love for everyone you encounter today. Make the most of what God has given you for His glory. Tune out the false prophets. Put down the eschatological charts and get busy sharing love and taking care of the “least of these” around you each day. It is the best investment you can make to prepare for the certain future that is ahead.