Friday, February 5, 2010

Are You Serious?

I smiled at the cashier looking at her name tag and said, “The last time I met someone with that name, I married them!” The person next to me suddenly looked shocked thinking I was blatantly flirting. He seemed shocked because he is my Music Minister and knows my wife’s name is Cathy. He also knew I was not flirting because he has been with me long enough to know there is a method to my madness. The cashier was…well bless her heart, not petite (different ethnic background) and probably not used to people being nice but she flashed a lovely smile when I finished my sentence…after my dramatic pause. Yes, I did marry someone with your last name. I was the preacher who performed the ceremony. My wife is Cathy. Her smile and my acknowledgement of my relationship with Jesus opened the door to a wonderful conversation about her faith, love for music in her church and brightened both of our days.

I have been on staff at this church for nearly a year and the staff jokes that they can’t take me anywhere. I seem to cause a stir everywhere I go talking to folks and having a little fun and trying to help them enjoy the love of Christ. The key is doing it with everyone. This morning the cashier was Chris and the conversation starter was his tattoo. He wound up telling me about his daughters. When we finished our transaction we both were smiling.

The shortest verse in the Bible is John 11:35, “Jesus wept”. However, the second shortest verse is “Rejoice Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16 NKJV). Four more letters make a huge difference. This is also a command not an option. I take the commands from the Father seriously. So, I look for reasons to rejoice, smile, get happy and share this with others. There are plenty of people who think their contribution to the planet is to find dark clouds in every silver lining so I think my place is to be the Light of Christ and let people know there are reasons to rejoice (seems I read that somewhere). Every screw up I have ever made, and I have made plenty is completely forgiven and forgotten. The worst thing that will happen to me is that one day I will die…and then I will spend the rest of time in Heaven. How bad is that?

Life is too short not to rejoice at every opportunity. That is why I look for reasons to get happy ASAP. When my wife and I have some of those discussions that growing marriages have (don’t look at me funny you know what I mean). I will often say, “OK how long do we have to be mad about this and when can we start having fun again…is five minutes long enough or can we do it in one?” (Please pray for Cathy…she is a special woman to put up with me.)

Oh, I know we can’t laugh and smile about everything. I know there are serious times in life. As a pastor I am the guy who has held hands and prayed with a spouse or parent as their husband or child eased into eternity. I am the guy who sat in the waiting room with the family when the doctor came and said, “It is worse than we thought.” I am the guy who was on the operating table twice nine years ago facing major surgery wondering if I would wake in the recovery room or heaven (I will share more about this experience in a couple of weeks). Believe me, I do know serious!
I also know Jesus. He is in the daily business of transforming serious into joy. He transformed death into everlasting life. Top that! So, if you having a bad time turn things to Jesus. Let him turn it transform despair to joy. If you are looking for motivation or for a verse to learn & live try the 2nd shortest and give it a whirl every day with every opportunity and everyone you encounter. It is fun and contagious!