Thursday, January 6, 2011

True Grit

A popular movie, True Grit, follows more faithfully to the Charles Protis’ novel than the older movie starring John Wayne. Young Mattie Ross shows courage, spunk and knowledge beyond her 14 years of life as she seeks to find Tom Chaney to avenge his cold-blooded murder of her father. She seeks a lawman who has grit to do the job. She is led to Marshall Rooster Cogburn who has several failings but she decides he has the ‘True Grit’ needed for this task.

As the viewer watches the adventure unfold one cannot help but notice familiar themes in the background music. The score contains and cleverly weaves excerpts of ‘Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand’, ‘What a Friend We have in Jesus’ and ‘Leaning on the Everlasting Arms’. Carter Burwell, upon composing appropriate music wondered about Mattie Ross who had unquestioning determination to go to the wild country in pursuit of her father’s killer. “Where would a 14 year old girl come by the audacity to browbeat outlaws and lawmen, follow them into the wilderness and even correct their spelling? Church of course!”

It was a hard time but folks in that day found strength to sustain any hardship through their faith. The strength of young Mattie’s faith shows her to be the one with True Grit that never wavered and lasted until the end. Today times have changed in may fashions however there are these constants that still exist. There are always situations in life that are difficult and often potentially devastating, such as 14 year old Mattie experienced with the murder of her beloved father. There are always unreliable, unfaithful and even evil people that will disappoint discourage and deceive. However, there are always those who remain faithful and unshaken to righteousness and justice no matter the circumstances. Even though they may seem few their faithfulness gives them True Grit. They are the ones who make a difference for good. They are the ones who go to work everyday, make their marriage work, teach children to behave and hold the moral fiber of society together. They may not be glamorous, famous or wealthy. In fact they usually are not. However, there has always been, will always be, as is necessary the minority who have True Grit required to maintain morality and civility in society.

There is a Biblical teaching called the Doctrine of the Remnant referring to God’s faithful who are always there even when the majority seems to be moving in an evil destructive path. My hat is always off to those who have the True Grit to stand faithful no matter the odds.

Elisha the prophet give a great example as the king of Aram was frustrated with Elisha’s prophecies that worked against his agenda to the point that he sent his army against this single prophet. Elisha was traveling only with his servant. One morning the servant woke to find outside was the powerful army of Aram surrounding the city. They had come for Elisha. He was scared to death as they were greatly outnumbered and outgunned by the powerful army. He asked what they would do. Elisha had the True Grit to trust God. “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." God’s angels of protection were not visible to the one who had fear. However the prophet had faith, vision and 'Grit' to hang in there with God was able to see God’s hand that would always be present for his faithful.

Fear not, remember those who are with us are more than those who are with them. True Grit is shown in always following, trusting and being redeemed by ‘God’s Unchanging Hand’. Press On!