Friday, February 4, 2011


The excitement is building. In a few days the Super Bowl will be played to determine the champion football team in the NFL. There has been and will be massive promotion, marketing and business opportunities as people try to exploit this special time. Many have been planning well in advance to be ready for this unique opportunity. News agencies reported a fear that there could be a shortage of ‘exotic dancers’ for those who will be looking for a certain avenue of celebration. It is sad to think of some patrons having to settle for dancers of a less but all that is another subject for another day.

The previous example is simply to show that many of life’s events have different meaning for different people. The Super Bowl is an event that has long been promoted and hyped beyond exaggeration. Years ago I thought the simple comment one person put it all in proper perspective. In 1978 the Super Bowl was played in the Louisiana Superdome for the first time. At that time this new structure was the largest indoor stadium. Here was the ‘Super’ game played in a ‘Superdome’! It could not get much better. It was also still a time when Walter Cronkite was the most respected and trusted voice in the nation as the original ‘Anchorman of the Nation’. An excited reporter had the opportunity for the ultimate commentary as he asked the respected man for his thoughts on such a spectacular event. Walter Cronkite had cut his teeth reporting during battles in World War II, he had been the calming voice for a country when a president was assassinated, as well as other historical events. We had become accustomed for Mr. Cronkite to look into the camera and put everything in proper perspective. He smiled and said it was interesting to see such excitement over something that has “no historical significance whatsoever!” The reporter, who had also fallen for all the hype of false importance, did not know what to say! I have always been a sports fan but this has to be one of my favorite moments. Putting things in proper perspective is extremely important in the more important game of life.

We are often guilty of giving too much attention to the wrong things or people. I find it interesting when we see who and what has been given historical significance. People like Jessie James, Jack the Ripper and Lee Oswalt are easily remembered while the majority of hardworking people in their day, who did their job with integrity, raised moral children and remained faithful to their spouse as they quietly went about being good citizens, remain obscure as others are celebrated or noted in history. One can easily grab a headline today by bad or outrageous behavior, some of which may have ‘no historical significance whatsoever’.

The real matter in life is significance or meaning rather than notoriety. My father & mother never were not famous but the way they lived and taught me to live still have historical significance for me. They showed me what it meant to be loved, how to love others and how to behave in a responsible manner. That may not cause them or me to go down in history but that IS significant. My heavenly Father verifies this through His son as Jesus summed all proper and significant behavior in Matthew 22:37-40. The more people who love and live responsibility as they love God and their fellowman, the more this may impact the world and have historical significance. In today’s mixed up world superficial events, like football games, and irresponsible behavior may gain headlines and even be recorded in history and considered important by many. However, when we follow the words and teachings of Jesus we will gain significance that is eternal. Now, THAT is significant!