Friday, November 1, 2013

What's the Difference?

This morning began like most mornings.  Before getting out of bed I expressed thanks to my Lord for the day.  I do not know what will happen but the fact that I woke up is a gift and it means the day has something which God has for me.  So, I prayed, "Thy will be done".  That is how Jesus taught me to pray in Matthew 6:10.  Then I had my morning exercise.  If I wake up face down I do a push up to get out of bed.  If I wake up on my back I do a sit up to get out of bed.  Now that the morning exercise routine is complete we will see what the day holds and what God's plan for the day may be.

My car would not crank.  OK, God, how does this fit into your will for my life today?  When things don't go as planned God seems to have a cute way of reminding me of another verse.  I Thessalonians 5:18 tells me to, "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus".  Well, I am thankful my truck cranked and I have jumper cables to crank my car.  I am thankful I have time and money to get a new battery this morning.  Living a life of thanksgiving in all circumstances following God's will is really the best way to live (remember this sentence).  Just keep reading for the "rest of the story".

The young man (it seems that most of them are young to me now...go figure) who was replacing my battery and I began chatting.  When he asked, "What do you do?", the conversation became more serious and God's direction for me this day started to become more clear.  This young man needed some spiritual guidance in his life so my dead battery led to a divine appointment. 

"How do you know the difference between love and lust?"  Although he was not yet thirty years old, poor relationship decisions had led disastrous results.   He wanted a family and lifetime companion that would bring happiness, joy and meaning to his live.  I told him how my wife and I had experienced this for the 34 years of our marriage, and expected it to carry us for the remainder of our days.  He was seeking what most are seeking.  So, here lies the lesson. 

The New Testament was written in Greek.  Our English language has one word to express the many feelings and emotions we call  love.  "I love ice cream, sunny days, the Bulldogs (insert your favorite sports team, I graduated from Miss. State), sleeping late and I love my wife."  Hopefully, one has different levels of feeling and emotion over those and other items we claim to love.  The Greek language has several words expressing those feelings and emotions.  The Bible focuses on three to teach us how we should love one another and how God loves us. 

EROS is the word that describes the physical attraction that garners powerful feelings.  We get our word 'erotic' from Eros.  Physical attraction is usually the way we begin romantic relationships.  "Wow, she/he looks great!"  "I want to spend time with him/her."  These are the common thoughts that lead couples however, relationships solely on Eros stumble when the attraction fades or another attraction develops.

The second Greek word used in the Bible is PHILIA which is best understood as brotherly love.  The city of Philadelphia is known as the 'City of Brotherly Love'.  Philia love is the deep love of best friends who just love hanging out and being together. 

Finally, there is AGAPE.  This is the love God has for us.  Agape is not a feeling or emotion that is conditional upon looks, behavior or comes and goes.  Agape is a decision of the will to be committed no matter what!  I told the young man that years ago I told my wife, "If anyone quits on this deal it won't be me!"  That may not have seemed romantic to her at the time but that type of commitment is the foundation of lasting love. 

The secret is to combine all three.  When you have someone who is attractive to you and is your best friend to whom you have made a decision and commitment to love for the rest of your days, then you will know the difference between 'love and lust'.  Then you will know the joy of God's plan for your marriage and life.  Then you will also know His love for you.  He responded saying, "Wow that makes sense and puts it all together." 

My car cranked up with the new battery.  He seemed to have a clearer pathway for his future.  OK, Lord what's next?  Living a life of thanksgiving in all circumstances following God's will is really the best way to live!