Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Soar On Wings Like Eagles

I had just returned from a getaway in the mountains where we could not get internet or cell phone service.  I regret that we did find enough gasoline to return home.  I was actually silently wishing we would run our of gas and have to stay but one can’t have everything.  There is something about getting away to the quiet, strong solitude of the mountains to settle the spirit.  Have you noticed how often Jesus went to the mountains for times of prayer and spiritual refreshment or retreat?  If he needed to get away from the everyday hassle of life to renew his spirit how much of that lesson should we learn from the master teacher?  I share the following pictures and thoughts with you from two of my mountain experiences.

The first is the morning mist of the mountains of North Carolina that greeted me during the week.  I was reminded of Psalm 121:1-3 “I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber.”  The hills show the solid strength of God.  The mountain air seems to offer wonderful relaxing sleep.  The worries that often keep us up tossing and turning preventing restful sleep seemed to dissolve as when we lift our eyes to the hills remembering that our help comes from the Lord.  Sleep, rest and peace come when we give our worries to God trusting Him to solve them according to His perfect wisdom and will.  I once read of a old man who said he never lost sleep worrying at night, “cause God promised to be up watchin’ all night anyway, no sense in both of us stayn’ up so I go on to sleep!”

The second picture is from an Elk hunt in the Colorado with some friends many years ago.  The hunt was nothing to write home about anyway, while I love the outdoors and nature I am not much of a hunter.  I never thought there was much sport in sneaking up on animals with overpowering long-range rifles.  The only real hunting or fishing I do happens when I hit the golf ball in the woods or water.  Sorry about that but I could not help myself.  Anyway, as the more serious hunters went up one mountain seeking their wild game while I took my four-wheeler and sought other adventure on another mountain.  I found a Rocky Mountain peak and spent some time with the Lord of the Universe.  While there I looked up (which is a good place to look when conversing with God) and noticed an eagle high above the mountains.  I was fascinated by the heights he had attained.  Here I was several thousand feet above sea level but that majestic eagle was soaring over the snow capped peaks of the Rocky Mountains.  Immediately I thought of a favorite verse from Isaiah 40:31; “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  The Hebrew language of this verse is literally a picture of putting on God’s strength as a garment to gain HIS strength rather than gaining a second wind of your own. 

As I watched the eagle for nearly an hour I noticed the eagle never flapped his wings once, such is the nature of effortless soaring.  His lofty flight was not due to his effort but the powerful upward draft of the winds from the mountain peaks.  There was the word from the Father and the lesson!  For much of my life I have been like a sparrow, busily flapping my arms in my own efforts to soar.  Sparrows do not soar and never get the majestic view from the soaring heights of the eagle.  Jesus describes the life of born again believers in John 3:8 like this, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."    Relying on our abilities, wisdom or strength to lift us will never allow us to reach the heights God intends.  In fact it will keep us grounded more than allowing us to soar.  

My Father continues to remind me to put on his strength daily to find the resources to soar in life.  He also reminds me to stop ‘flapping my wings’ of personal effort and spread my wings to let the ‘wind of the Spirit' take me to heights that I never could imagine!   It was good to getaway and have those reminders again.  I hope they help you soar in the days ahead also!