Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Today Is The Day!

Brittany Maynard was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer.  She was 29.  Following her diagnosis and a surgery that removed less than half of her rapidly growing tumor, Brittany made a decision that would catapult her to the forefront of the death with dignity debate.  She chose to move from her home state of California to Oregon where physician-assisted death for terminally ill patients is legal.  At the time, it was against the law in California.  She chose Nov. 1, 2014, as her final day.  While everyone has their own opinion her Brittany’s choice her mother described her daughter’s decision; “When you’re talking about a terminally ill patient, you have to realize that each death takes its own journey. Brittany was having some very difficult symptoms. She woke up and said, ‘Let’s go for a walk.  It was just a beautiful day and I couldn’t help myself.  I asked, ‘Are you sure today is the day?’  A mom always has to do that. And she said, ‘Yeah, Mom, today is the day.” Brittany returned home to her bedroom, where she was joined by family in what she described as the “circle of love.”  She took her medicine and her last breath. 

Most do not wake choosing today as their last day of life on this earth but all can choose how to live today.  God gives us the remarkable choice to decide how we will live each day.  We may not get to pick the circumstances that surround us but we can determine how we respond and react to everything that comes our way.  Scripture gives us bountiful guidance on how to make the most of each day.  Three short verses  in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 has a mouthful to say on the subject; Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  Each day we should make a deliberate decision to rejoice, pray and continually give thanks no matter what the day brings.  This is not only God’s will but it is the best formula for overcoming and turning things around.  Notice the verse did not say to give thanks ‘for’ all things but give thanks ‘in’ all things.  The difference is significant.  We life in a sin-scarred world where evil exists, bad things happen to good people and one cannot possibly be thankful ‘for’ all things.  However, when we place our faith in Christ we can truly find a reason to be thankful ‘in’ all situations.  No matter how bad it gets the worst thing that happens to believers in Christ is that they die and spend eternity in Heaven.  No matter how things seem out of control, unreasonable or unfair in this life, and they often are, this world and life is not the ultimate reality.  Sin, injustice, violence, sickness and even death do not get the last word.  Jesus does.  So in all things, when one’s trust and faith is in Jesus, there is reason to rejoice, pray and be thankful. 

Therefore, I believe the more important issue is not how and when we die but how we live.  One of my favorite movies & books is ‘Lonesome Dove’.  For those unfamiliar it is the story of two Texas Rangers; Captain Augustus "Gus" McCrae and Captain Woodrow F. Call.  Captain Call is the ‘no frills’ hard working driven boss while Gus loves to talk about philosophy with a good humored approach to making the most of every opportunity to enjoy life.  In one of many memorable scenes they are discussing a lady friend of past days.  Call focuses on hear death in the discussion.  Gus becomes frustrated with Call’s perspective and says: “Woodrow, you just don't ever get the point – 'It's not dyin' I'm talkin' about, it's livin'!”  Death comes to all whether we choose the day and way our life ends or let it come whatever way it happens.  The point I’m also trying to make is not about dyin’, it’s about livin’!  So choosing our last day, dying with dignity, may not be as important for most as choosing today to live with dignity.  One does that by making a deliberate decision to live each day and each moment of that day as a time of total love. 

Matthew 22:36-40 teaches us that all of our understanding of God’s direction for our lives can be summed up in what is called the greatest commandment.  Someone asked Jesus, “Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the Law?” Jesus answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is, “Love others as much as you love yourself.” All the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets are based on these two commandments. 

We do not know that we will have tomorrow.  All we have is today; actually this moment of this day is all we really have.  I don’t know if I will live to see sunset today much less sunrise tomorrow.  However, If we make every effort, each moment of each day, to live a life which shows complete, total and passionate love for God and all that is God then today can be our best day whether it is our last day or not.  And if we make every effort, each moment of each day, to live a life which shows complete, total and passionate love to everyone we encounter during the day then today can be our best day whether it is our last day or not.  So whether we will see the sunrise tomorrow or not, let today be the day!