Wednesday, August 23, 2017

“Man Plans, and God Laughs.”

“Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” is an old Yiddish adage meaning, “Man Plans, and God Laughs.” Despite our most careful planning, the road of life is unpredictable. We might have driving and destination strategies but scenic new vistas might beckon us or unforeseen roadblocks can deter us. Our best-laid plans in life can be upended by unexpected changes, which could be either disappointing or exhilarating. Personal or other setbacks, losses of loved ones, illnesses or accidents, broken hearts or tortured souls, are not uncommon occurrences in our lives. On the other hand, life can provide unanticipated good fortune or heartening experiences.  Thus we all live with some degree of uncertainty both on a personal basis as well as from a national and international perspective.  The latter is especially so considering the ominous news of upheavals in Mother Nature, health scares, and domestic and military violence.  That uncertainty can give us a great sense of adventure or lead to depression since we don’t know how things are going to turn out.  So what do we do?  Let me share a lesson from my own 65 years that I hope will be helpful to you.  First let me share some context.

40 years ago I thought I had my life set.  I was following God’s call to preach.  When I was in my first year at seminary God seemed to give me a verse that I would guide me toward my future.  The verse was Proverbs 16:3, “Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.”  I found that verse in my New American Standard Bible.  I thought that verse spoke directly to me but I did not know I was misinterpreting the real meaning.  I thought since I had committed my life to be a preacher that my plans would be established and blessed by God.  In my thinking I had discerned that God had called me to be a single bi-vocational preacher somewhat like the Apostle Paul.  I had a business degree and business experience so, like Paul, I could make a living and not depend on churches to pay me a salary.  Although I grew up in Mississippi, for some reason (maybe it was to get away from the oppressive heat from the south) I sensed that God was calling me to Oregon to be a single, bi-vocational church planter.  I was in my last year at seminary getting ready to head to the northwest to follow my plan.  Then something happened that taught me a better translation and understanding of the verse and the way God really works in our lives.  The New International Version gives a better translation as follows, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”  In other words, if we commit our lives to God, He will establish the plans for your life.  His plans are always best since He created us and knows what is best for us in the long run. 

Now back to the something that changed everything.  I was in my last year at seminary and focused on my ‘plan’ when I saw a first year female seminary student in a red dress.  She captured my attention like no other.  I wound up meeting her and realized I had not met anyone like her.  Let me cut to the chase.  We married 37 years ago today and I wound up spending most of my career as a married full-time minister in South Carolina which is quite a bit distant, in almost every way, from my plan of being a single bi-vocational church planter in Oregon. 

Here is the point.  We may have our plans.  We may think our plans are good.  We may think our plans will honor and please God.  However, only God knows the future.  Thus the Yiddish proverb, God simply smiles or even laughs at our plans.  He alone knows the future.  He alone knows what is best for us.  That is why the correct understanding of Proverbs 16:3 tells us that if we commit whatever we do to Him the He will be able to establish HIS plan for our lives.  Since He loves us with an everlasting love and knows the future, His plan will be the best for us. 

As I look back I am eternally grateful that God’s plan led me to Cathy which led to a great adventure for our lives, which still continues.  God has blessed us with two wonderful daughters who have grown up to be women that are the pride of my life.  God has allowed me to go places and do things that I never would have dreamed in my ‘plan’.  So, no matter where you are in life’s journey, commit daily to give yourself to God and He will establish his good and perfect plan for your life.