Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Record Breaking Day

Today I broke a personal record.  I woke up alive for the 24,122nd consecutive day.  I know that one day the streak will be broken but for now I am trying to push the consecutive days of being alive for a new record each morning.   It may not be a world record but it is an important accomplishment for me.  I know that others have set greater records for consecutive days waking up alive.  My grandmother’s record was over 36,000.  That is a family record also as far as I can ascertain.  Of course the all-time record was 353,685.  That is probably a record that will not be broken.  You may remember the name of the record holder, Methuselah, the Old Testament patriarch whose life span as recorded in Genesis (5:27) was 969 years.  However there are no great achievements listed from this long life.  In fact, if you do the math, you will see that he died in the year of the great flood.  More than likely he drowned along with the rest of those who lived ‘according to their desires with their hearts set on evil’ unlike his grandson Noah; who was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. Noah did not live as long as his grandfather (346,750 days) but he accomplished much more as he is credited with the continued existence of life on this planet.  Compare that with Jesus who lived less than 13,000 consecutive days alive on this planet but He managed to be the greatest teacher, healer, miracle worker and provided eternal salvation for whoever believes in Him.  So it seems that the length of life is not as important as what one does with each day of life on this planet. 

But it is important to number our days.  We learn this from a man who accomplished a great deal in his 43,800 days; if you count freeing the Hebrew slaves from Egypt, leading them for 40 years to the promised land, climbing a mountain to speak directly with God, coming down the mountain with God’s commandments carved in stone and in addition to all that Moses wrote a Psalm saying, “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”(Psalm 90:12)  What does it mean to number our days? And how will numbering our days bring us wisdom?

Learning to number our days means recognizing the unnumbered days of God.   Moses begins the Psalm acknowledging that God is the Creator; we are created. God is eternal; our lives are passing. God’s days are without end; but our days are numbered!  This immediately puts us in position to be wise because it teaches us the true source of wisdom.  There is a being far greater than us, far greater than any other human, and certainly greater than any other idea or philosophy in all of creation. Therefore, this eternal being must be the source of all wisdom.  So a heart of wisdom comes from seeking Him more than anything or anyone else on earth…that also have numbered days. 

Learning to number our days means remembering that our lives are fleeting.  Verses 3-6 tell us that, Our lives are like dust, like a watch in the night, like a sweeping flood, and like a passing dream. Our lives are like the grass, renewed in the morning, and withered by night.”  OK I get the point!  Life is fragile and it goes by quickly.  Grasping this truth is a giant step in gaining a heart of wisdom.  No matter the age, life for all of us is fleeting.  Even though today is a record breaking day of 24,123 consecutive days of being alive, I am continually amazed at how quickly these days have seemed to pass.  I don’t know how many days I have left but I am at the age where I know there are more in the rearview mirror than the windshield so I know I don’t need to waste a day.  No matter how old or young one may be when we realize that we need to make the most of each day we begin to develop a heart of wisdom.  I am amazed at how some people with spend so much time being angry, pouting, holding a grudge or just waste the day doing something stupid with no eternal significance (like watching hours of TV).  I want to say, “Don’t you realize that each day passes quickly and you don’t get them back, is this really what you want to do with your precious fleeting time here?” 

Moses follows the importance of realizing how fleeting and fragile life can be with a reminder that God is not pleased if/when we waste His precious gift of life (verse 12).  Another writer who was known as having more wisdom than any other man, Solomon, elaborated on Moses’ point at the conclusion of his book where he chronicled his search for purpose and meaning in life saying; “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

Learning to number our days and developing a heart of wisdom means we realize that everything we do matters to God.  Even if no one else sees what we do at a certain moment it matters to God.  Every moment we are granted life is not a moment to waste but a time to receive and share the joy of this fleeting moment God has given us.  So if my streak of waking alive for ends at 24,122 consecutive days or if I go for my grandmother’s record of over 36,000, a heart of wisdom teaches me that whatever I do with the next consecutive day I wake alive or that last day of my life, I need to live each day seeking to follow the prayer of Moses at the conclusion of his Psalm where he asks that God will grant His blessing and approval on what we do with our life.  Number your days, seek a heart of wisdom and make each day a record breaker!
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Don't Panic

I was ready to panic.  I don’t get that way very often.  Quite often, as a minister, I had to keep my cool as many looked to me to provide calm in the midst of life’s storms.  I am discovering that the older I get the more my emotions are on edge.  Perhaps I am feeling more like a man living in the wrong century as technology is replacing all the things that were once foundational in my life.  Nothing lasts forever…but this was my cell phone…and it was not taking a charge!  What’s more important in our lives today?  I have over 300 contacts; that means phone numbers, addresses, directions and important information on friends as well as important emergency medical information and contacts with doctors and hospitals.  I also have hours of music and pictures.  Why can’t I get it to charge?  I’ve had problems with the charger port previously and I cleaned it gently with an old toothbrush.  I never throw them away.  They are always handy.  I have a whole drawer full in the garage. Anyway, this cleaning didn’t work.   It still would not charge.  Oh, gosh!  If I can’t charge it I will lose all the previously mentioned valuable information and will be out of touch with everyone.  I will be the owner of a very expensive paperweight. 

I Googled “Can’t charge my IPhone”.  Man if Google ever crashed I really would panic!  I followed the instructions and still my phone would not charge.  The last resort, if it had become damaged, was to take it to an Apple store.  My mind raced back earlier in the day when I dropped it.  I didn’t think I did any damage but it is difficult to think straight when you are beginning to panic.  The nearest Apple store is in Charlotte and it is 7:12 pm.  The AT&T store where I purchased the phone was open until 9pm.  Thanks again to another Google search.  So off I went.  I had to get there ASAP!

I have a business degree and worked retail before going into the ministry.  I grew up with the idea that customer service means a person (qualified to help) would meet you at the door with a cheerful greeting and an anxious desire to serve you; the customer.  The world has changed.  Often when I go to a store I get the feeling that I have interrupted their day.  I may have to wait for them to finish their conversation/text before they look at me and wait for me to be the first to speak asking for help.  After spending several minutes seeking a person with the store nametag that identified them as an employee, I found a young man standing alone, except for whoever was on the other end of his phone.  I asked if he worked there and could help me.  He instructed me of the protocol of giving my name to the person with the tablet at the door and my name would appear on the screen when ‘it was my turn to be helped’.  I told him I was aware of the procedure but there was no one at the door.  He told me they were all busy and eventually someone would come to me.  I wanted to leave but I had an emergency.  My phone was dying in my hands and I would soon be cut off from the civilized world!

I stood at the front of the store and waited while thanking God for another opportunity to learn patience.  Yeah, right! He keeps sending me occasions to learn patience although I don’t think I will ever learn.  Finally, a young man came out from the back and asked if I was being helped.  I ‘patiently’ smiled (see God I’m trying) and said “No” and explained my problem.  He took my phone and tried to plug in the charger.  He told me it seemed that the charger port was not making a good connection.  Duhh!  I patiently smiled again (See God, I’m still trying).  He told me that often pocket lint can build up and block the port.  I explained that I was aware and tried to clean it with an old toothbrush.  He didn’t respond and took a small specialized tool, the end of a paper clip, and used his professional training to flip a ball of pocket lint from my phone’s charger port.  He plugged the phone into the charger and it immediately began charging.  The future was bright again!  I could charge my phone!  It would live on restoring my valuable information and keep me connected with the universe!  Life is good!

As I got to my car my mind returned to my old habit as a preacher.  Although I am 2 ½ years into retirement I still think, ‘What is God teaching or saying to me in this situation and how does He want me to convey this to His children?  So, class what did we learn?

First, when your mind begins to panic tell it to STOP!  Don’t let fearful thoughts run away with your mind.  Rarely are those panicked thoughts going to come to fruition.  Most of the things we worry about never happen.  And on the rare occasion that they do we usually discover that it wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be.  There is a reason that the first words of an angel from God are always, “Fear Not!”

Second, as a child of God never forget that all the trouble in the world is not beyond His love and grace.  He will ALWAYS be there with and for you.  He told us, “I will never leave or forsake you.” (Hebrews13:5).  “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans: 8:31)

Third, there is often a simple solution for seemingly complex problems.  A simple paperclip was all that was needed to remedy the problem for one of the most advanced devices that has transformed our world, the smart phone.  Again; don’t fret, panic or be anxious.  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 4:6-7)

So, get up each morning and trust your day (and life) to God realizing that nothing in this crazy, sin-scarred world is going to happen that will destroy your fellowship, your relationship, your standing with God or remove you from His grace and care!  By the way, my phone is charged so feel free to call or text. 😄