Monday, February 5, 2018

Is This About Me?

I hope you are sitting down because I am going to tell you to do something that will dramatically show you the cause of 99% of your problems.  OK, now that you are sitting down I want you to get up and go into the nearest bathroom.  Stand in front of the sink and look straight ahead at the mirror.  You are now standing face to face with your biggest problem.  That’s Right, no matter how much you want to make excuses, you are usually the one to blame.  The greatest hindrance for your spiritual growth can also be found by looking in the mirror.  We get in our own way more often than we wish to admit or realize.  We are born with a nature that causes us to love ourselves.  Look at a 2 year old.  They aren’t taught that they are the center of the universe.  They just know it!  It is not only 2 year olds who suffer with this overblown sense of self-importance.  Try this experiment at any age; get a group picture that includes you.  It doesn’t have to be a large group.  It could be three or thirty in the picture.  Now look at the picture.  Who did you look for first?  Go on, it’s just me and you…it’s ok to admit we usually look for ourselves first.  We can’t help it. 

This self-love/narcissism is vital in developing our self-image.  It is important and healthy that we first develop a healthy self-love.  But it is equally important and healthy that we learn to consider others rather than exclusively dwell on ourselves.  Jesus sums all scriptural teaching ‘Greatest Commandment’, “love our neighbor as we love ourselves” (Matt. 22:39).  He was quoting the Old Testament teaching from Leviticus 19:18.  Both Old & New Testaments both teach and command a healthily balance of self-love combined with love for others.

However, many hang on to narcissism too long, miss the full life God intended for emotional and spiritual maturity.  If we stay “the center of the universe” in our mind & emotion we’re in for a long difficult time, not to mention those around us.  It’s so sad to see people well past their 2nd birthday still behaving as if they believed the world existed for them. Many go to church faithfully, many become leaders in the church and community.  Some even stand behind pulpits or rise to the highest political offices. They become experts in advancing through charm, bullying, deception, manipulation or whatever it takes to advance their ego.  And there it is…the identity of the real culprit: EGO.  Ego is defined by Webster as “a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance”.  I found a more telling definition as EGO means to Edge God Out! 

You see the more we are concerning about our self-esteem or self-importance the more we push God out of our lives.  You cannot follow Jesus and follow your own desires!  You cannot follow Jesus and follow the desires of others (pleasing them)!  To follow Jesus, you must deny self (die to self)!  The way may not be easy but it is worthwhile.  The more we proceed in diminishing our narcissism, our self-centeredness & sense of self-importance, the more we find ourselves not only less fearful of death but also less fearful of the worries of life.   This is the mysterious and wonderful paradox in real life!  The more we release the more we gain!  It is only when we take our mind/eye off of self that we can truly see/think of others & love others.  Only when we do not think of ourselves or our feelings can we really serve & love unconditionally.  Only when we no longer fear loss of life can we be free to live life.  Satan can no longer manipulate us with fear.  Dead people aren’t scared of anything.  Satan can no longer worry or burden us.  Dead people aren’t worried about anything.  Satan can no longer embarrass us. Dead people aren’t embarrassed about anything.  Next time you are at a funeral look inside the casket and say, “I can’t believe they are wearing that outfit.  It looks awful.”  It’s OK you won’t hurt their feelings or embarrass them.  Excuse me for sounding harsh but I think you get my point. 

It is amazing how much of our life is affected by what others say or think of us or what we want them to say or think of us.  Look at how often events, large or small, boil down to advancing or soothing a person’s ego.  It may be the ego of one who has advanced themselves to be a head of state, leader of a religious movement, neighborhood group or head of a family.  Whatever the level may be, the egotist will do whatever it takes for their own cause, belief or feelings.  So much of their whole existence is controlled by what others think or say about them.  This is the complete opposite of true spiritual maturity.  The spiritually mature person is only concerned with one opinion, what does God think?
The first step in true spiritual maturity is realizing and admitting that it is not about me!  Jesus tried to drill that point home continually.  Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24. Mark 8:24 all teach the essential truth that following Jesus means death to our own ego.  It no longer matters what we want, think or feel; all is put aside to follow Jesus so we think, feel and want as He does.  There is a great freedom when we do not have to worry about what others do, think or say about us because the important thing is that they see Jesus in us.  That is the key that gave Enoch freedom from the difficulties of life and death.  The fifth chapter of Genesis tells us Enoch walked with God for most of his life.  What happens when we walk with someone? Imagine that you and a close friend are enjoying a walk down a country lane. You are in close proximity. You talk, laugh, listen, and share your hearts. Your attention is focused on this person to the exclusion of almost everything else. You notice the beauty around you or an occasional distraction, but only to point it out to your companion. You share it together. You are in harmony, and you both enjoy the peaceful camaraderie.  Walking with God is like that.

Finally Enoch came to the place where “he was no more”.  That may mean that God took him from this world in a way that avoided the fate of death that we all will experience. Or could it mean that Enoch was so surrendered to walk with or follow God with his entire being that people no longer saw Enoch but looked upon him and saw God?  In other words for all practical purposes Enoch no longer lived but God lived completely through Enoch.  Isn’t Paul saying the same thing in Philippians 1:21 where he states; “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”?

So, as Ross Perot was fond of saying, “Here’s the deal”.  No matter how long or short our life may be, the best use of the day(s) we have is to put our feelings, desires, thoughts and agenda aside and walk with God putting His desires, thoughts and agenda first.  The more we practice sacrificial love for God and our fellowman the more we realize the wonderful freedom of no longer worrying about what others think or say about us.  We no longer have to be anxious about what is happening in the world around us or the future because we know that God is accomplishing His purpose in, with and through us and He will take us in His time as he did Enoch.  I like the way a young girl expressed her understanding of Enoch as she described it this way; “God and Enoch enjoyed walking, talking and being together so much that they lost track of time and one day as the sun was going down God said; “Enoch, we are closer to my house than yours so just come and stay there.”  

The path to freedom from hurt feelings, fear, and anxiety is the path of surrendering your ego to completely follow God every day.  Life then becomes a journey of loving others as you walk with God until one day He says, “Hey, we are closer to my home than yours so just stay with me!”