Thursday, February 15, 2018


For the past few months I have been on a medical odyssey that, as sportscasters are fond of saying, seems like “Déjà vu all over again”. Let me explain.  At the end of February, 2001 I began a journey that started with a kidney stone and led to the discovery of three aneurysms outside both kidneys and a rare renal artery disease.  My mother died at age 68 with an aneurysm so this got my attention.  I wound up having to go to a major medical facility in another state where a specialist performed two major abdominal surgeries (one in June and the other in November) to remove the aneurysms and a complete renal artery bypass.  Where young male fitness models have a set of six-pack abs I now have a softball sized space with no feeling.  I have a medical excuse for not being able to suck in my gut.  But, each morning I look at the 25 inch scar as a reminder that I could have died 18 years ago. 

I had never had a kidney stone before, but I have always been thankful for that stone as it led to lifesaving discoveries.  Now 18 years later I was diagnosed with my second stone in August.  Since that time I have had a similar journey of one test leading to another.  Hopefully it will all result in a positive result.  I get to meet a lot of new doctors as a result.  Earlier this week a nurse called to let me know my doctor wants to do another test Monday as the last lab report showed something he wanted to check with my liver.  I asked what “we” would be looking with my liver in this latest procedure.  She replied that it could be a couple of minor things or a tumor.  I guess being blunt is the new sensitivity. 

That answer got me thinking for several reasons.  First, harking back to my previously mentioned situation in 2001, I was reminded that while most of the time these tests don’t show any serious or alarming results but, there can always be the times when you get a result that is not the news you want to hear.  Tumor is one of those results you usually prefer not to hear.  However, I was really taken more by one brief word in her answer and believe it or not it was much shorter than the word ‘tumor’.  That was the word ‘OR’“It could be a couple of minor things OR a tumor”, the little two letter word ‘OR’ can make a big difference. 

OR, used in a sentence, usually separates two options/choices.  One being better than the other OR they could be two polar opposites such as, “This could be a great experience OR it could kill me.”  It also could separate two similar options with one being slightly better OR slightly worse than the other; “Would you like ice cream, pie OR both?” (That’s a no-brainer), “Would you prefer a spanking OR being grounded for three weeks?” (Wonder why that came to mind so quickly?).  Anyway I think you get the point I am trying to make that the word ‘OR’ can be a very important and very powerful word. 

The way you look at the ‘OR’s’ in your life can determine whether you have a positive uplifting experience OR suffer a negative pessimistic life.  Let me show you what I mean.  No matter what happens with medical tests or any other event in life, you have a choice with how you react and respond to the ‘OR’.  While we may not have much control to be able to change a situation, we have total control of which ‘OR’ we choose to follow.  That realization can make a profound change.  I can let this situation get the best of me OR I can make the best of this situation!  You see how the ‘OR’ can make all the difference?  When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.  People who live discouraged and disappointed lives usually make a habit of going with the worst option/decision separated by the ‘OR’.  People who live abundant joyful fulfilled lives that encourage others make a practice of going with the best option/decision separated by the ‘OR’.  What we do with the OR can make all the difference in life. 

I could go on and try to wax eloquently trying to make a simple point OR I could cut to the chase and make the point.  I choose the latter.  I know it is a simple message but look at it this way; you can take this brief message as inspiration to continually seek the better and more positive choice that will lead to an abundant joyful fulfilled life OR