Friday, February 20, 2009

“It’s OK, Nobody Died”

I was in Trinidad doing some mission work. I stayed in the home of Pastor Shaheed Mohammed. His wife Pearl kept an immaculate home but she was so tranquil with her easy smile that it was a joy to stay in their home. I love the attitude of people who live on an island. They seem to have a relaxed way that we Americans desperately need to learn. Let me share an example.
One evening my friend and mission partner Rita, retired IMB missionary, and I were having dinner with pastor Shaheed and Pearl when Rita accidentally knocked over a potted plant arrangement. Flowers, dirt and sand went all over the floor and down the stairs making a dirty mess all over Pearl’s immaculate floor and stairs. Rita, like most Americans swift to act, jumped up, apologized continuously and began cleaning the mess from Pearl’s previously shining tile floor. Pearl remained calm, smiled and said, “Sister Rita, sit down. It’s OK. Nobody died!” We laughed but the message was clear. Although Pearl kept a spotless house, this was not worth the worry or fuss. It was time to enjoy dinner and a good time around the table.
Worry, stress and anxiety are so much a part of the American way of life that we forget that they are prohibited in the scriptures. Read Matthew 6:25. It is a command! Philippians 4:6 commands us not to be anxious about anything! Yet we stress, worry and literally fret ourselves to death everyday.
Most other cultures have a phrase or philosophy that describes a mentality that refrains from stress. In Kenya the Swahili term “Hakuna Matata” means “no problem”. Kenyans approach life with a “no problem attitude”. Hawaiians have a friendly hand gesture that means, “hang loose”. Hispanics are famous for being less stressed and time conscious than people in the USA. They say, “You Americans have a watch, we have time.” They never seem to hurry while we are always in a rush.
Could it really be that worry and stress are connected with trust in the Father? It really is a trust issue. The more we really trust God the less we worry. Thus the command! So, take a breath, remember that God is in control of things that you can’t handle, see how they will work in the future or figure out. Here is the best part, as much as Pearl’s, “Nobody died!” phrase was meant to calm Rita and let her know this was not worth the stress, when we really trust Christ even when somebody dies there is no reason to worry. With faith in the risen Christ even death does not have the last word!