Thursday, March 12, 2009

Get Connected

My Space, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, E-mail, Cell phone, Text, Fax, Page…the list of ways people can connect, and communicate with each other expand so rapidly one almost has to keep a dictionary to know the language of connection or is it networking? Everywhere you go people you see people on cell phones, sending messages, getting e-mail on Blackberries while driving, eating, having conversations with other people (even while pretending to listen to sermons or other messages. I noticed a number of legislators working their Blackberries during President Obama’s first address to both houses of Congress).
We are wired (or wireless) to connect with each other. God created us to unite. We have one Heavenly Father and the purpose of Jesus coming here for his first visit was to provide a way for all to come together through salvation. Look at John 1:12-13; “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.” His final prayer for us in Gethsemane was for unity; “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me” (John 17:23).
So we have been designed to be drawn to one another for unity. The evil one plus our sin nature is the reason for our division, whether we speak of wars or the short-lived squabbles between loved ones. The simple truth lies in the fact that the more we surrender our ego (self) to Christ (Read Luke 9:23) and follow Jesus the more we will connect with him and live in harmony with our brothers and sisters as the Kingdom of God grows.
Connecting with God is much simpler than all these other gadgets and devices. In fact, you don’t need a device. You simply say something as easy as, “Father in Heaven” and you have a private audience with the Supreme Being who is masterfully ruling the universe without missing a beat. In fact, He has been waiting for your connection. There is a contract but it’s really a covenant agreement. The Father signed it first through Jesus who wrote his name in blood so he means to keep his part of the contract forever. Why not join and get your ‘buddies’ in on this growing network?