Friday, June 12, 2009

Get Out!

I took my kayak so far up river that I could not hear a man-made sound. Sometimes I enjoy getting out and away from the daily distractions to hear God in a fresh and clear way. It is easy to get so caught up in the busy, noisy routine of one's world that it can be helpful to break out and make a change that will allow one's perspective to be changed. God will often reveal himself, a new truth or remind us of an old one in a fresh new way when we step out or 'get out' in some new fashion. You may not need to paddle far away as I enjoy doing on occasion but I encourage you to find a regular way to get out. Even Jesus found it necessary to take time to get out while he was on earth as he would often take time to get away, alone, to pray and commune with his Father.

I am convinced that one of the reasons for much of the unnecessary conflict and dysfunction in families and churches is often a case of ‘cabin fever’. Cabin fever is actually in the dictionary. It is described as extreme irritability and restlessness from living in isolation or a confined indoor area for a prolonged time. I have often described this as the illness that causes many churches, families and individuals to suffer those signs of irritability. Over the years I have discovered that many of the families that suffer from dysfunction remain in closed circles almost isolated from other real social interaction. I have also discovered that many of those who seem to instigate the most trouble in churches never go on a mission trip. However, they never seem to miss a business meeting.

Therefore the prescription (trust me I am a Doctor) may be more simple for some than they realize; Get Out! (I realize some are making their own joke about removing the trouble maker from the family or church. I am not advocating kicking them out in that sense but moving toward a redemptive, healing and growth process). Too many suffer from staying in their small circle and become enclosed or isolated in their own little universe. Sometimes it just helps to get out and get around others to see there is another perspective. You may not realize how consumed you are in your own ego. It is always helpful to get out and do something for someone else.

Speaking from my own experience, one of the best things that ever happened to me was going to the other side of the world, reluctantly mind you. I was sort of pushed into going on a mission trip to Kenya many years ago. You see I was never a big fan of flying. I joked that the Bible said, “Lo, I will be with you… (I realize that remark is not that funny but it was my lame excuse to stay away from flying.) However, once in Kenya God opened a whole new world and perspective for me and I have not been the same since that experience. Africa was a completely different world than the one I had been ‘handling’ in my own wisdom and know-how as an experienced pastor of some years. However, God had to get me out to the other side of the world to get my attention and cause me to slow down, I am pretty hyper, to allow me to hear him. I heard him loud and clear and have not recovered from that conversation to this day. I came back and people noticed a difference. I will never be the same.

Therefore, I continue to practice ‘getting out’ whenever I can whether it is a mission trip (that can be across the street), a simple prayer retreat (that could be in the back yard…sometimes one needs to get farther from the routine of the day. Yesterday I needed to get far enough up river to be away from man-made sounds…depends on how much has cluttered into your world lately). Anyway, people have realized that I am different. So they are not surprised when they come to church and I tell them to “Get out”!

Jesus was different also. He was not really into religion as much as he was into God. Remember it was the religious leaders who were most frustrated with him because he was different. He did follow and fulfill the commandments (the rules or heart) of God’s true teaching which he summarized by loving God completely and loving all other people as we love and care for ourselves (Mt 22:37-40). But he practiced ‘getting out’ and I am glad he did. Had he not gotten out of Heaven and made his way here to pay for my transgressions (and yours if you trust his gift of atonement) I would be hopelessly doomed. Getting out is a good thing in many ways.

So, when things seem to be closing in on you and you or your family is suffering from ‘cabin fever’, ‘Get Out! Break out of your routine. Go on a prayer walk, go on retreat, find a mission activity to do or go on a mission trip. It will open your eyes and ears to see and hear God in a fresh way. Trust me I'm a doctor!