Friday, June 5, 2009

Lighten the Load

Travel sounds glamorous until you do it on a regular basis. As a pastor and Director of Missions for nearly 30 years I have traveled quite a bit in ministry. I have shared the gospel in five of the seven continents. It they are correct about global warming I may be closer to covering all of them than I originally thought. The worst stretch of travel was a period of less than four weeks where my wife and I traveled over 15,000 miles visiting eight different states and three different countries. We literally lived those weeks packing and unpacking and lugging suitcases around. As our gate changed at a busy airport terminal during that time I had to begin pulling all those suitcases hurriedly to the other end of the terminal when I began to wonder, “Do I really need all this stuff? What could I do without? What is really holding me back and creating an unnecessary burden?” It is better to travel light and enjoy the journey.

Then I began to realize how often we go through life carrying emotional, psychological and spiritual baggage that burdens us and keeps us from traveling light and enjoying the real journey. On a daily basis I encounter people weighed down by depression, anger, guilt, shame, fear, unresolved problems of the past, loneliness, worry, doubt…some of these suitcases and similar baggage sound familiar? Are you carrying around baggage that is keeping you from joy and weighing you down? When we carry excess baggage we cannot enjoy the freedom of the journey as intended. Jesus traveled light.

I remembered his words in Matthew 11:28-30 where he said "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Here is the simple formula to lighten the load in life and enjoy the journey. First, come to him. The answer to all burdens or problems in life begins with a spiritual solution so he is the place to start. He truly offers rest for those weary from a burdened journey, if they are willing to come to him. Then he says learn from me. He had more pressure than any of us will ever know. It is quite a job to have to save all mankind not to mention growing up as a young boy and never doing anything wrong. Mother was proud of me but she graded on a curve. Jesus never made a mistake no matter what. He never worried, never lost his temper, never got depressed, never panicked and he was in some tougher spots than we will ever know. So, he says we can learn from him. What can we learn? Let go of whatever is holding you back and completely trust him with your life. We can learn that no matter what we have done or has been done to us, we can drop all the baggage from the past or present and follow his plan for our day and the rest of our days. His way is easy. He has an answer and solution for all the baggage that is slowing you down.

Feeling guilty or ashamed? Leave that baggage at Romans 8:1 and 1 John 1:9. Angry? Drop that luggage at Ephesians 4:26 and Matthew 5:23 & 24. Forgive and forget. Worried? Leave that load at Philippians 4: 6 & 7 and Matthew 6:34. Fear weighing you down…every Angel comes from Heaven with two words from God, “Fear not”. Leave that baggage with the messenger from Heaven. Burdened with loneliness? Leave that oversided bag at Hebrews 13:5. I think you get the idea. No matter what has happened or will happen you don’t need all that stuff that your are carrying, which is really holding you back, and causing you to trip and stumble time after time. The worst that can happen on the journey when you follow him and travel light is this; you die and go to be with him in heaven forever! So lighten the load and enjoy the journey.