Monday, July 27, 2009

A Modern Day Parable

Three men were wandering in the woods. A lion came out of the woods and attacked the first man. He managed to get away and made his way to a hospital for help. The hospital was reluctant to admit him because he did not fit in. His clothes, skin and language were not like everyone else at the hospital. He also did not know how to follow all their rules as stated in the admission form they had used for years. So he went away and died. However, those who did fit in and knew the rules still thought this was a good place to find help.

The second man was wandering in the woods and was attacked by the lion. He too survived and went to a different hospital. They readily accepted anyone. However, they never dealt with his wounds. As they festered they covered them up, looked away from the symptoms of his illness and tried to make him feel accepted in his present state as much as possible. The more he suffered, the more they embraced him but his unattended wounds became infected and had increasingly destructive effects on his body. He finally died in their midst. They were all saddened but felt good that they accepted him as he was and that they loved him until he died.

The third man was wandering in the woods and was attacked by the lion. He was immediately approached by two people who said, “Can we help you? We know there is a deadly lion this wood so each day we come into the woods seeking people who need help.” They immediately addressed the wound and gave proper first aid to save him from dying. Then, they took him to their mobile medical unit nearby. It was built to care for victims who could not or did not make it to the other hospitals. In their care he began to recover. During their time together they also corrected other health problems he had developed over his life to give him a better life than he had ever known before. His life became so much better from their care and love and he felt so much like family with them that he asked if he could stay with them and be a part of their team. They also trained him to go into the woods daily with them to help others. He knew the dangerous lion was still at large and was a threat to others wandering in the woods.

Everyday, people are wandering about all around us. In fact, all of us at one time or another feel like we may be wandering in the 'woods or wilderness' of life as we go through the ups and downs of life. We all have a spiritual enemy seeking anyone he can attack. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us to "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devower." We need to be aware and help each other as best we can. The real purpose of the church Jesus established is not to just to gather and feel good about what we do one day of the week but to go out daily in our everyday lives to (seek) befriend each other as we struggle, (with the attacks of the enemy), help one another (witness, lead to salvation through the work of the Holy Spirit), help one another become completely well (Spiritually whole and mature) and assist each other as fellow helpers (disciples). Which of these situations best describes your church? He, who has ears to hear, let him hear!