Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why Is This Happening To Me?

“If I have been created in the image of God why can’t I find my car keys?” It can be frustrating to be told by preachers that we (humans) are the crowning achievement of creation when we struggle along in this thing called life. By the time you get things figured out, you often forgot where you put them. There are times we seem to try as hard as we can to move three steps forward and see ourselves slip two backward. Quite often life just doesn’t seem fair. I was once told to look for ‘fair’ in the dictionary if I wanted to find it in this world. As long as we have been able to ask questions we have questioned the futility, fairness and purpose of things and life in this world. Some just give up thinking; “What the heck, it does not matter”, “Why bother” , or “What’s the use”?

Before you throw in the towel be remember that Jesus reminded us that it rains on the just and the unjust in Matthew 5:45. He is simply letting us know that there are going to be some things that come our way that we may not understand or think fair but that does not mean he does not exist, has forgotten us or that we are necessarily being punished unjustly. There are a few things to consider when struggling with questions and frustrations in this sin-scarred world. Romans 5:12 tells us that unfairness, tragedy, senseless acts, evil all entered this world through man’s disobedience. So, when we look to the heavens and cry, “Why is God doing this to me?” We are better served to look in the mirror. Mankind is the greater culprit. James 1:17 tells us every good and perfect gift comes from God. I Timothy 2:4 explains that it is God’s will that all are saved but we know that God has also allowed our own will to be part of the process (remember we are created in his image with an ability to determine an outcome for our lives) so there are things in our lives that may not go according to his will. However, it is his will for us to let him have control and turn it around.

So, next time you are struggling with the major questions about why there is injustice or perhaps wondering why someone created in God’s image still can’t find the car keys it may be helpful to consider the source of this struggle, question or dilemma. Often the answer can be found as a result of sin in the world. It may be due to man’s inhumanity to man, (think what we could do if money spent on crime and war were used for disease prevention, medicine and caring for those in poverty). It may be due to improper care and stewardship of self or God’s resources, senseless acts or accidents. Everything does not have a purpose in a sin-scarred world where evil exists but God can give purpose to everything if we turn it to him.

The key is how we respond. I Thessalonians 5:18 tells us it is God’s will to give thanks in all things. A thankful heart turns our thinking around. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Joseph’s life of being sold into slavery by his brothers was transformed into saving a nation from starvation. He later told his brothers, “What you meant for evil God intended for Good.” Paul tells us we will understand things with complete clarity in eternity. Our vision now is clouded as if looking through a dingy mirror. The secret is turning things around to see what God is leading through the current situation. If I can’t find my car keys, God may be leading me outside to a beautiful day for a walk. I think I will stop the frustrating search and just trust him and go on that walk with him; after all I have been created in his image. The more we walk together the better I seem to understand things anyway.