Tuesday, October 27, 2009

“Got any I.D.?”

That is a question often asked when young fresh faced people seek to purchase certain beverages, tobacco products or enter establishments that require age restrictions. When I was 18 I looked more like 14 on a good day so it was quite well that I usually stayed away from those situations for the most part. I made a commitment in a revival service in Jr. High and hung in there with it as people called me ‘straight laced’ and ‘preacher’ long before I was speaking in buildings with pointy roofs for a living. However, no matter how old we get we have an I. D. We are identified with a job, lifestyle, family, organization or especially by our behavior. Some of the ways we are identified are wrong like the false I.D.’s some once used in High School. However, the longer we hold to our behavior, character, organization, fellowships or actions the better the chance of the true I.D. being recognized.

Scripture tells us that bad company corrupts good character. One must watch their actions and company. When I was younger I realized I could have fun without drinking but I spent time being identified, on occasion, with the wrong places. Once I tried to drive a friend home, before the designated driver was fashionable we watched out for friends. However, he had seen me acting in such a manner, not much different than I do today having fun, that he said, “I’ve seen you tonight. You’re worse off than me!” I assured him I had only consumed three Dr. Peppers, which was my limit in those days, I can’t handle THAT many today! I then realized I needed to remove myself from some environments that adversely affected my witness, what people thought of me or my I.D.

How do people identify you? Have you ever wondered how others would describe you? You DO know they talk about you when you are not around! Gee, I hope I have not given you new information to upset you! You can’t completely control what others say but you can control what you do. As a minister I Timothy 3 tells me to live my life “above reproach”. The Greek really means one should not ‘get a handle on an accusation’. That means I am to conduct myself in such a public way that people may still say things about me, I can’t help that, but the character of my life is such that the accusations can not find a handle. Character and integrity as an I.D. will outlast any gossip, slander or accusation that has no basis.

Your I.D. is vital. Proverbs 22:1 tells us, “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” I Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” In other words, if what & and how you eat, drink and do does not bring glory to God, you should not eat, drink or do it! Even a product of the Mississippi public school system like me can figure that one out!

The first people identified with the name ‘Christian’ were in Antioch. Originally it was pegged upon them as a name of ridicule. “Oh look at the way they act they are acting like ‘little Christ’s”. They were not ridiculed at all and took the name with pride. That was their purpose, to act completely like Jesus in all they did. When people looked at them they wanted them to think of Jesus. People are looking and I.D.ing you. So the question is not; “Got any I.D.?” You do have one. The question is; What is your I.D.?