Saturday, October 3, 2009

People Can Be A Strange Bunch

Someone once said, “There are two kinds of people. Those who put people into two categories and those who don’t.” (Have you ever noticed how often speakers and writers quote ‘SOMEONE’ when they don’t have a good way to kick-start their topic? Well someone did say that this time whether you believe it or not and whether they said it or not (whoever ‘THEY’ are?), we all categorize people from time to time and when we do we often get it wrong. People are far too complex to fit into most general categories.

I will use myself as an example. I have been living with myself for most of my life and am fairly well acquainted so I feel comfortable giving myself permission to be an example. I am from Mississippi. Right away some people will wonder if I am wearing shoes. Well, I am typing this in the comfort of my home so answering that may be misleading, however I still do have all my teeth, but the fact that I was born in a state that has a reputation for several negative stereotypes does not make me ignorant, bigoted, obese or have a blushing neck.

According to a sign in front of a building with a steeple I am the pastor of a church. Many people will assume several things about me as a pastor of a certain denomination. Most of those who meet me find out that many of those assumptions are wrong. I am quite serious about proclaiming the truth of the scriptures and living by them, however I have discovered though years of diligent study and experience that much has been misunderstood, misinterpreted and the life Jesus gives is much more fun than most realize when properly followed.

People can be prejudiced in so many ways. Educated people often are biased against those who lack education. Uneducated often feel inferior and have a bias against those who have more education. Rich people often are prejudiced toward the poor and the poor often envy the rich. Whether it is race, gender, economics, politics or the sports team we favor we seem to find more and more reasons to categorize and divide ourselves.

People are a funny sort of lot to study and observe. I have been living among them and observing them in their natural habitat for a lifetime and have come up with a few conclusions. While they are fearfully and wonderfully made they can lower themselves to the lowest common denominator in behavior in a short time when left to their own resources or they can rise to wonderful heights that can stir emotions beyond words. They are capable of great evil that is unspeakable as well as good that boggles the mind. They can cause great pain or give great joy. Much of that is left to our response. We can not control what people do but we can control our response. We can hold on to anger, hurt and sorrow and live miserable lives no matter what surrounds us or we can forgive, forget and live with joy no matter the circumstances.

Yes, people can be a strange lot but they can be fun to live with when they get along and share all their diversity. Jesus prayed for us to be “one” then he gave his life to pay the price for all our mistakes. Wouldn’t it be worth it to fulfill his prayer and forgive the mistakes of those who offended you, those with whom you feel separated, and those with whom you feel alienated and live the rest of your days enjoying and exploring the rich differences in all the people that surround your life? They are always saying (Here ‘THEY’ go saying stuff again), “You don’t get many second chances in life”…well, maybe you do!