Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Life Changing Power

Preachers are often asked tough questions. After going to school for many years I thought I was ready for the questions. I could not wait to go to parties or other places and have people ask the tough questions. Once after Church a man approached me and said, “Preacher, I have a question!” I thought, “Here we go…I have studied, I am ready. Put it to me!” He said, “Was the thermostat broken, I thought I was going to freeze to death during church.” Some people like to try to trick you by asking things like, “Where did Cain get his wife?” I quickly respond by telling them I would tell you if I were Able. (And you thought all those years in theology classes were a waste?) Other questions are real as people truly seek answers for life’s difficult struggles. People wonder; “Why do some join the church and drop out?, Why do church members often act so mean?, Why do bad things happen? Why am I, as a Child of God, having all this trouble?” Or as a book for teens so adequately expressed for many of us, “If I Am A Christian, Why Can’t I Get My Locker Open?”

Preachers preach about life changing power. Why are so many things the same? Why do we seem to try our best and struggle so hard with some of the same difficulties? First we must remember that Biblical Christianity is not about following rules, rituals & get blessings. Some struggles are there for our growth & perfection (Hebrews 2:10). Nothing grows in complete sunshine. To have growth there must be some rain. God is in the process of building something eternal. Too often our perspective comes from a short-term worldly and selfish perspective. Too often we give up & believe change is impossible. Human behavior experts tell us after age 30 rarely change. However, we hear about the Gospel being the power to change anything in your life.

I have long been captivated by II Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.” Notice he did not say ‘in church but in Christ’. Lets look at the way to receive life changing power as we break down the powerful verse word for word phrase by phrase.

“Therefore” - refers to the previous verses (14, 15) as these are additional consequences of identification with Christ in death & resurrection. Christianity not for the casual observer. It requires complete and reckless surrender. “Anyone” – It is available for anyone; no matter their race, gender, pocketbook, past history, background, etc. ANYONE means ANYONE! “In Christ” - a favorite term for Paul. He doesn’t say in church, denomination, movement, experience…in Christ! He is speaking of a personal daily involvement/relationship with risen Lord. In Christ means all things that are Christlike are in you; such as: Truth, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,...(see Galatians 5:22, 23). If the Fruit of the Spirit is not evidenced in your life, there may be evidence of the absence of Christ in your life. One can be in church and be unchanged. One cannot be in Christ and be unchanged! “New”- There are two Greek words for new: NEOS & KAINOS. NEOS means, ‘of most recent production (A Ford purchased in June vs. a Ford purchased in January is neos). KAINOS means new as to form of quality or of a different nature from the old. (My old form of transportation was a bicycle my kainos form of transportation is a Ferrari!) This means there is a completely new set of standards, vision, thoughts (I Cor. 2:15). “Creation”- Construction term (act of establishing, building). A completely new thing or being is established. A person reborn in Christ is the fulfillment of God’s original purpose in creation. We are in His Image. Our lives are a reflection of Christ (Matthew 5:14).

What happens after one become a new creation? “Old Things” (from the Greek word Archia) Archaic, outdated things belonging to past times begin to pass away. This refers to unregenerate ways, acts of sinful nature (Galatians 5:19-20) that are “Passed Away”. According to the Greek tense this is a continuous process. Leaving sin as a way of life. Sinful ways either going or gone. We don’t need them anymore. “Behold” the note of triumph as we move into the life of triumphant changing power. “ All Things Become New” is in the Greek perfect tense which means three things; first, this is action in continuous progress – Not one time event, God not finished yet! Hang in there! Second, your salvation experience is coming to a point of culmination – you will become completely like Jesus in Heaven. Third, it exists as a completed result – Jesus made you new! Continue to reflect Him as you enjoy your walk, loving others as you grow in grace.