Saturday, June 12, 2010

When Everything You Trusted Goes Wrong!

Do you remember where you were when you first realized the world was not a just and righteous place and life is not fair, when your realized your government lied to you, your theology may be wrong, those your trusted had betrayed you and all you had once believed in may not be true? For some it was standing in a hospital when the test results literally caused our knees to weaken. Others had that moment when an action, discovery, letter or confession caused you to discover your spouse is found not to be the person you always thought they were. Perhaps your priest or pastor is found in a discretion that is unexplainable or the government leader who seemed so honest is found in the midst of a scandal. These are a few general examples of events when life tumbles in and the things you seemed to trust are now turned upside down.

Peripeteia is the term that describes the turn of events in a Greek tragedy where the hero suddenly finds that everything he thought he knew was wrong. There comes a time in most lives when we are smacked in the face with the terrible reality when the things and people in which we once placed confidence now are gone and we know the lost feeling of ‘Peripeteia’. When that time comes to our life what do we do? How do we move forward? Where do you find trust and security when you have been betrayed and everything you trusted or believed seems wrong or confused?

This may be the time when the real adventure of your life begins. When the things once trusted fade away one can finally look past illusions, superficiality, hopes, dreams and find real truth. It may be harsh but knowing real but truth will give you freedom. Once you know real truth you will never be dissapointed, dissalusioned, misled, abandoned or misguided again. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” If you think that quote sounds too good to come from me, actually it does. Jesus said it and John recorded it in his Gospel (chapter 8, verse 32).

In fact, not only is that statement truth but the author of that statement ‘IS’ truth! He is the only one in whom you will never be dissapointed, dissalusioned and he will never abandon you. People, governments, institutions (even religious institutions) will all fail because they are human & founded on human beliefs and run by humans. Try as we may, we have faults and are finite. Our best efforts fall short. When we choose role models, ideals, institutions to idolize we set ourselves up for failure and dissapointment. However, once we find that feeling of ‘Parapettio’ we are free to look beyond the superficiality of all we once trusted and find real truth, brutal as it may be at times.

Real brutal truth tells us that as much as we exersize and eat right, eventually our bodies are going to be food for maggots (how is that for a start at harsh reality?). Real brutal truth tells us the only way we can experience love is to continue to open our hearts to be broken. Real brutal truth tells us the only way we can overcome being hurt is to forgive and forget, as God has forgiven us. Real truth tells us that the best we can do is have faith in God who teaches us to love Him with a love that goes beyond understanding and love our neighbors, ALL OUR NEIGHBORS, as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:34-40). Real brutal truth comes when you realize you don't have to put on an act, pretext or seek to please anyone because it is only what God thinks of you that really matters. Real Brutal truth is being completely honest with God, knowing He is real, honest with you and you don't have to put on a front with Him. Real brutal truth is found in facing the mirror first thing in the morning and seeing what Jesus sees and realizing He honestly said, “That is a face I would die for!”