Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Gonna be a good day!

I am at the place in life where some parts wake up quicker than others every morning. Years of “hey let me try this” and attempts at sports I was not deemed to play have taken a toll. However, I still wake each morning with exercise. If I wake on my face I do a push-up. If I wake on my back I do a sit-up. It is easy to wake and find reasons to complain as the body responds slower. It is easy to find reasons to complain as the TV is turned on and the morning news is gloomy. However, it is easier to find reasons to rejoice when one reads and listens to words from the one who created me.

He tells me to “Rejoice always”. I Thessalonians 5:16 is the 2nd shortest verse in the Bible (‘Jesus wept’ is the shortest, found in John 11:35). The commandment to ‘rejoice always’ (it is not a suggestion…’give a shot to rejoicing always’) is not only short but it is effective in changing your entire outlook. It is followed by a second verse that helps me know how to rejoice, “Pray always”. When I find it hard to rejoice I am reminded that I can take all my cares and concerns to a higher authority who has power and wisdom well beyond me to take care of all things in perfect order according to His power and wisdom. Philippians 4:6-7 tell me, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” In other words, don’t worry about anything but pray about everything and you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will then protect our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.

Without a deliberate decision to rejoice or celebrate constantly one can find reason to despair in almost every direction in this sin scarred world. However when one follows God’s command one develops a new perception. I have discovered the following truth, 'When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change'. One can find a reason to delight as the third verse of the important trilogy in I Thessalonians 5, verse 18, guides us to be thankful in all things for this is God’s will in Christ Jesus.

It is truly impossible to be thankful ‘for’ everything in life however, it is possible, helpful and commanded by our loving Father to give thanks ‘in’ the midst of all things. In everything we can find a reason to look up and be thankful. I am thankful that my aching body is able to get up each morning. I am thankful for the breath of life that starts my waking hours. I am thankful for the fun and life I enjoyed (which is better than I deserved) and now can look forward to exulting (“Rejoice always”) in the day ahead because no matter what faces me I am not alone. I can share it with the creator and ruler of the universe (“Pray without ceasing”). When I commit my life and day to Him I know that whatever happens is in Hands and I can be glad (“in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”)

Gonna be a good day!