Thursday, October 14, 2010

If You Have To Swallow A Frog...

I have a poster in my office with a picture of a large ugly frog and the following caption, “If you have to swallow a frog, don’t look at it. If you have to swallow a bunch of frogs, take the biggest one first.” Looking an ugly frog in the face with the knowledge that you have to swallow that sucker does not make the unpleasant task easier. Hopefully none of us will have to take that phrase literally but we know what it is to have unpleasant tasks staring us in the face. Putting things off rarely helps when dealing with an unpleasant task.

It was my day off. I wanted to spend the day doing something enjoyable. I already had experienced a long week and knew a heavy work weekend was waiting. However, the leak under the sink (due to a leaking garbage disposal) needed to be remedied. I prepared to ‘swallow the frog’ of replacing the disposal by getting everything ready ahead of time. They did not teach plumbing in seminary but I knew I could handle the task…after all I am a man as well as a Doctor! :-)

I woke ready to begin the task by doing something that humbled me…reading instructions (after all I am a man. We shouldn’t have to read instructions or ask directions!). In a few minutes I was finished with no leaks, cuts or bruises. Now I had the rest of the day to enjoy myself and it was only 7:30 AM. Putting off unpleasant tasks is rarely helpful. “If you have to swallow a frog, don’t look at it. If you have to swallow a bunch of frogs, take the biggest one first.”

Psychologists call this delayed gratification. It is a system of doing the less pleasing things first to have something pleasant waiting ahead. For example, if you enjoy pie but the crust is not as enjoyable as the point of the slice where most of the flavor lies, delay your gratification and save the most flavorful bite for last. People who live following a system of delayed gratification are usually happier and see more hopeful results ahead. They get the least favorable work over first and look forward to enjoying more pleasant tasks ahead. Putting unpleasant tasks off is rarely helpful.

Putting unpleasant tasks off is also rarely helpful when the unpleasant task involves getting something corrected in a relationship. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:22-25 to settle matters quickly when there is a problem in a relationship. The unresolved problem in the relationship will usually get worse if we put off or delay resolution and reconciliation. It also negatively affects our relationship with God as we cannot connect with Him properly until things are resolved with our brother or sister. He tells us to go and be reconciled with them then come back to Him.

Are there unpleasant tasks staring you in the face? Are there unresolved relationships that need to be resolved? If you need to forgive someone, don’t put it off or wait, go ahead. You will enjoy putting it behind you and enjoy the gratification you have been delaying. If you need to ask forgiveness of another and apologize don’t put it off. “If you have to swallow a frog, don’t look at it. If you have to swallow a bunch of frogs, take the biggest one first.”