Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Fitting Memorial

A year ago I was making funeral arrangements for my father. Next month marks the 14th year since I did the same for my mother. They loved, sacrificed and provided examples giving me the strong positive foundation that helped my life become what it is today. As a fitting memorial I try to live each day in a fashion that would honor their name and make them proud. In a few weeks we, acknowledge, with Memorial Day, the ultimate sacrifice of those who allow us the lives we enjoy today. People have different ways to celebrate Memorial Day. As a fitting memorial to the sacrifice made for us, we should strive to be the best citizens protecting and keeping the freedom and rights that are the foundation of our country. It is always important to remember and memorialize those who paved the way, provided examples and made sacrifices that allow us the opportunities and lives we enjoy today.

2000 years ago God gave His only son as an example of the way to live a life of love. Jesus would later willingly give His life as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for our shortcomings. As a fitting memorial to His sacrificial gift we can follow Ephesians 4 and “live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” If you will permit me to share the WHD translation of the latter portion of that chapter (Hmm, aren’t those my initials?) I think we can learn the best way to live a life that is a proper memorial and will do Him proud and serve us all well.

We are all different and have different Spiritual abilities that are intended to work in concert with one another. We can use our Spiritual gifts to build up His church so it will grow in maturity and love, “as each part does its work.” As we work together and live honest lives, not putting on pretense, we are helped to remember we are part of the same essence. When we get upset or angry we don’t need to let that anger cause us to fail or do wrong giving evil a chance to grow or flourish. We should be honest and work hard, so we will have something to give to people in need. Our language should be pure as we try to say the right thing at the right time and help others with what we say. We should strive to live in such a way that we do not depress the Spirit of God. It is that same Spirit, if allowed to grow in us, that makes sure we will someday be free from all wrongdoing and misbehavior. It doesn’t help to be bitter and angry and mad at others. We need to refrain from yelling at one another, cursing each other or ever being rude. Instead, we are to be kind and merciful, forgiving others, just as God forgave us because of Christ. This is a fitting memorial and way to live.