Friday, May 27, 2011

How Great Thou Art

It was one of the most moving moments of pure worship I have ever experienced. Andre was truly caught up in the Spirit like few I have witnessed. His arms lifted in an unconscious act of adoration. He was not singing, as we were closing the worship event with the familiar hymn, ‘How Great Thou Art’. His head was back, eyes closed, arms out giving himself completely to the great God we were singing about. I was reminded of another man who described such a connection with God in 2 Corinthians 12:2 as Paul said he “was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know--God knows.” Such experiences with God are difficult to describe but when experienced one knows it as it changes one’s life.

We were not in the midst of a great cathedral, engulfed by the latest music, special effects or any other enhancement we often think is necessary to connect with God. We were in the heart of the toughest maximum security prison in the state. 98% of the 1200 inmates surrounding us were there because they had taken a life. Andre came from a tough childhood seeing his first murder at age 6. The scar on his arm was a reminder of the time his grandmother removed the bullet rather than going to the hospital and make a police report. Andre was from the inner city and grew up big, strong and tough. He became an enforcer in Chicago‘s world of organized crime and gangs. He had been transferred to prison in the south for his own safety as his previous life made it dangerous to be in a prison where he was known.

Andre had recently encountered the resurrected Christ through the prison chaplaincy and visitors coming to share the love of Christ. As a new believer he was seeking to grow in his new life of peace. After we finished ‘How Great Thou Art’ and the service was concluded I walked over and looked up in his face (when you are 5’7” you always look up to guys who are over 6’) and said, “That song took you way back to another day didn’t it?” I knew many inmates had some exposure to church as a child, when perhaps a loving grandmother or relative cared for them. I saw his worship experience and thought he was remembering some pleasant memory from a past long gone. I was wrong in this case.

Andre looked down at me with those piercing eyes that had often brought fear into victims of his previous days. This was a different seriousness, no longer scary but a seriousness that comes from knowing and experiencing the lifechanging Christ. He said, “I never went to church. I have never heard that song before. Could you get me the words?” I told him I would and realized the depth of his true worshipexperience. I poked my finger in his massive chest and told him. “You have always been a strong man who had an impact on others, not always for good. God is now going to use you as a strong man who will have an impact on others good as they see Christ in you as your strength.”

I sent him the words to the hymn and on my next visit I saw a face that lit up the room with a smile reflecting the Jesus who had changed his life. Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:36, “I was in prison and you came to visit me.” I visited prison and saw Jesus…through the changed life in Andre. It doesn’t matter where we are or what we have done, true transformationand worship comes when we turn our eyes and give our lives completely to God.

“O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder consider all the works Thy Hand hath made, I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, thy pow'r throughout the universe displayed; When through the woods and forest glades I wander I hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees; When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur and hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze; Then sings my soul, Mmy Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art! How great Thou art! When Christ shall come, with shouts of acclamation, and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration and there proclaim, "My God, how great Thou art!"