Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Following Jesus or Religion?

September 11 or 9/11 is a date that will remain in our memories. We remember the vicious attack on our country. Over 3000 people were killed as twisted zealots following teaching of radical Islamic fascism hijacked planes and became suicide murderers. This is not the first or will it be the last time that great harm or evil has come at the hands of religious fanatics. History’s pages are filled with warped people (and sometimes whole religious institutions or countries) committing horrible misguided actions in the name of religious fanaticism.

This is not to condemn religious zeal, often people start with good intentions. This is to say one must always be careful that passion does not overcome the ability to see truth. Jesus is the only way and the truth (John 14:6). We must be certain that we are always following Him and His teachings lest we become zealous and mistaken as others have in the past. We must be careful to keep our focus on Jesus rather than allegiance to religious activity or certain traditions and become misguided.

Former pastor and noted church consultant Kennon Callahan gave an analogy I thought helpful to keep things in perspective. He said the church should function more like a M.A.S.H. unit rather than a large institutional hospital. The Mobile Army Surgical Hospital goes where they are needed most, even when it is on the battle front, always on the edge of their resources but they give professional aid to those who may not make to the sterile hospital. Whereas, the hospital spends much time and money servicing and keeping the building so they can help those who will come to them. While hospitals are necessary, the mission of the church Jesus founded is more similar to the M.A.S.H. unit model while the hospital model could more easily lead to misguided institutionalism as serving the structure could become more important than accomplishing the true mission.

The last words our Lord gave us while he was on this planet are found in Matthew 28:18-20. He tells us to make disciples of ALL people as we go about our daily lives by teaching everything He commanded. He does not tell us to push our ideas, agenda or desires on others.

The church Jesus established in Matthew 16 professes Him as the Lord and goes wherever He is needed. It operates by faith and the Holy Spirit rather than constraints of a budget or the power of those in control of business meetings. Religious zealots say “be like us or else” (the “or else” can be harsh or it may simply mean we won’t fellowship with you.) Followers of Jesus want you to be like Jesus, but we continue to love you anyway!