Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Marking Time or Making the Most of Each Opportunity

 Over the years I have often made a practice of writing thoughts, feelings & observations.  It often helped me express, share and understand what God is teaching me in my journey on this planet.  At the end of each calendar year, I would often look back and journal thoughts, feelings, events, things learned and experienced during the past 365 days as a way to grow and prepare for the coming year (or for as much time as God would allow me to survive in the days ahead).  I tried to use this practice as a way to help me become more mature and improve as a person each year.  The jury may still be deliberating as they seek to reach to a clear decision on my maturity and improvement.  Anyway, as the number of years in the past accumulate, I have come to the following basic conclusions (Careful they may apply to you also).

First: GOD'S HAND WAS WITH ME ALL MY LIFE (even when I did not realize it…often and especially when I did not realize it!). As I look back over my life, I see God’s hand clearly guiding me, preserving, protecting me and leading me (often in spite of myself). That does not mean I have not stumbled and struggled but His grace and protecting hand has kept me from totally messing up my life and He is continually working to redeem me for His purpose as well as use the experiences in my past to honor Him today when I follow and trust Him.  Romans 12: 1 & 2 tells me (and you also) to offer myself completely to God not conforming to the ways of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind.  In other words, the more I/we give myself/ourselves completely to Him, thinking, seeing and living life different from the ‘ways of the world’; I/we will then be more able see and understand His will for my/our life.  I/we will then also see to a greater extent how He has been with me/us for this time and His purpose and will.

Second: I AM A UNIQUE CREATION. You are as well, but since I am the one writing this and the previous couple of sentences may have been laborious with all the ‘I/we’ stuff, I will try to make my point using the first person and you can apply it to yourself as you desire.  OK, back to me…There are times when I feel out of step with the rest of the world.  I often tell my wife that I know that I know that I am weird and sometimes I feel as if I am on the wrong planet (I wonder why she never argues with that statement…Hmmm).  However, Psalm 139:14 tells me (and you); “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. I am not an accident of birth.  I have traveled to 5 of the 7 continents and have met and encountered a large number of people in my years.  I have never met or seen anyone like me!  Thank goodness, huh?  I also have never met or seen anyone quite like you!  There is a divine design behind His creation of me, and each one of us.  That same Psalm tells me that God 'knit me together in my mother’s womb'. There is also a divine purpose and plan behind my creation.  I was not created just to bump around, pay taxes and die.  The scriptures give us other examples of how God has a divine purpose and plan for us before we are born with the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:5) and the Apostle Paul (Galatians 1:15).  That is why, as I look back over my years, I can see that not only was His hand apparent in guiding me, preserving, protecting and leading me but He purposely created me to be who and where I am today for His purpose as I submit to Him.  He created me (and you) uniquely for this time and purpose!  No one can do what God intentionally created you to do!  You were “fearfully and wonderfully made” by God for His unique purpose for you in this time and place in history!

Finally: LIFE IS FRAGILE AND PASSES QUICKLY.  I can’t believe that I got this old this quickly.  James 4:14 describes life as a mist.  It is truly fragile.  A mist is something that is frail and can disappear in a second. Twenty-one years ago, God miraculously preserved me by leading in a very unusual manner to the discovery of multiple aneurysms that could have easily ruptured and killed me.  My mother died from an undetected brain aneurysm that ruptured in the middle of a conversation with my father.  She said she had a sudden sharp pain in her head and collapsed in her chair and was gone.  She was 68 and in great health.  The doctor told me that this type of discovery was usually found in the autopsy as they were seeking to discover why this seemingly healthy man in his late 40’s suddenly dropped dead.  He told me that God evidently still had work for me to do.  I KNOW life is fragile and needs to be handled with care.  That is why I seek to make the most of each moment.  I do not know what will happen tomorrow.  I do not have tomorrow promised.  I may not be able finish writing this blog…the suspense is overwhelming.  However, I have THIS moment!  I need to make the most of this moment.  This is why God still has me here!

Now, I think I can assume correctly that these conclusions do not apply only to me.  Some people mark time while others choose to do as Ephesians 5:16 guides us to make the most of every chance you get.  Years ago, I watched an interview with Colonel Jack Jacobs, Medal of Honor recipient, who, even in his later years, was known to live an adventurous life.  He said; “I believe in getting the most out of life because I am going to be dead a long time.”  No matter what one’s faith and belief about life after death may be, this statement hit me as a reminder that this is the only opportunity we have here in THIS life; let us make the most of it!