Sunday, August 14, 2022

A Little Happy

 Yesterday I had a medical procedure for which I had to be anesthetized.  All went well but since I was under anesthesia for the procedure Cathy had to drive me home.  On the way home she told me, “I made a new friend today.”  There was a young man in the waiting room with her.  While many will remain quiet and stay to themselves in those situations, Cathy will seem to tune in to those who may need a word of encouragement.  He was there while his mother was being treated at the same time as my procedure.  She began talking to the young man discovering that he was the only child of his widowed mother and felt a need to give him a ‘little happy’.  Next week we will celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary.  Over these 40 plus years I have learned to expect her ‘making new friends’ in various situations and someone a ‘little happy’.

That term and practice of giving someone a ‘little happy’ originated with my mother who was a lot like my wife when it came to having a compassionate heart. Mother would often slip a $20 bill in her letters and cards.  These were the days before texts and email when people actually mailed letters and cards to loved ones.  She would also give her grandchildren a ‘little happy’ when visiting.  Cathy told me of her feeling the need to encourage the young man in the waiting room so she gave him the ‘little happy’.  I had given her my wallet before the procedure so she smiled and told me that I also gave him a ‘little happy’.   

The Bible tells us that each person who is born of the Spirit receives Spiritual gifts.  The gifts are identified in Romans 12, I Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4.  A Spiritual gift is an extraordinary power or ability given by the Holy Spirit.  For example, I was given the Spiritual gift of prophecy or proclamation.  That is the only way to explain how a shy young man who sweated bullets through his required 3-minute speech in Mrs. Brewer’s high school speech class and later had a 40-year career preaching the gospel on 5 of the 7 continents.  I was always truly amazed at the end of each sermon that it had actually happened.  One can ‘sharpen the ax’ or improve the gift(s) but if God had not given me the gift, then all the speech, theology and preaching classes in the would not have produced the gift.  It is imperative for each of us to discover our gift(s) and put them to that special use serving God and helping our fellowman.  It is also important to allow the gifts to be practiced and used freely by those who possess each gift.  That is how God allows us to be His hands, feet and voice in this world.  We practice the gift but it comes from God. 

Now back to Cathy.  If one were to Google the Spiritual gifts of ‘Helps’ or ‘Mercy’ a picture of Cathy would pop up.  We all should seek to help and have mercy on others but the possessor of these gifts possesses a special certain God given ‘radar’ to see a need then apply mercy and help.  I learned this about her early on in our marriage as I was looking after to my new wife while she was in the hospital.  During our first year of marriage, she was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.  Diagnosing these diseases required a series of unpleasant tests…as you can imagine.  After several days in the hospital undergoing a battery of unpleasant tests our oncologist came into the room making his early morning rounds saying, “How are you feeling today?”  She replied, “I’m OK but how are you?  You seem tired.”  He lowered his clipboard, took a breath, and replied; “I had a long and difficult night.  I lost a patient.  Thank you so much for asking!”  Although she was the patient, she was aware that her doctor needed some compassion and mercy after one of his patients died during the night. 

So, I have learned over these 42 years not to ask “who are you buying the muffins for?” when we are grocery shopping.  I didn’t notice the homeless person in the parking lot…but she did.  Or when she keeps the muffins or cookies in the grocery bag and has me stop at the home of the 94-year-old widow who lives up the street.  Or when she gets to the car and reaches in her purse or asks me for some cash, I realize I did not notice the ‘special needs’ young man with whom she talked with while he bagged our groceries.  Or recently when she bought $3 worth of tomatoes from the older man who was braving the dog days of South Carolina heat selling vegetables from his garden on the side of the road.  I gave her $20 and she came back with no change.  They all needed ‘a little happy’. 

Practicing her gifts of helps and mercy also gives her ‘a little happy’ from God.  There is no joy better than knowing you are doing what God placed you on this planet to do.  It also does me good and gives me ‘a little happy’ to see her helping and applying mercy to others.   One of Mother Teresa's favorite texts in the Bible, which she often quoted to support her ministry to the poor, is; "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40).  Which, not surprisingly, is one of Cathy’s favorite verses as well. 

As you go about your life seek to discover that unique gift that God has given and blessed in your life and then freely practice being His voice, hands and feet.  We all have times when we can give or use ‘a little happy’!