Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What's Wrong With This Picture?

From time to time I read disturbing statistics concerning the church. Millions leave the church each year. 75-80% of the churches are not growing. Serving as a pastor in today's church creates so much stress that half of those who are serving as pastors considered leaving the ministry in the last few months. 50% of the ministers starting out will not last 5 years. 90% will NOT retire as a minister. Over 1,700 pastors quit each month. 90 percent feel they are inadequately trained to cope with ministry demands. As a professional minister of some 30 plus years and a believer of some 50 years I often wonder, “What is wrong here?” Not only do I have degrees in theology but I have a degree in marketing. To use marketing terminology, we have the best ‘product’ one can offer; eternal life, forgiveness of ALL sin, love of fellow-man and a personal relationship with the God of the universe. Why should we have such stress, conflict, anger and misery that drive people away?

Could it be that we are doing some things wrong? Ya think? The more I read the Bible the more I fail to recognize its influence and life changing truth in much of what we call church today. The Bible speaks of life changing peace that passes all understanding, love and grace for our brothers. There are and have long been many misunderstanding about church. Jesus only used the word twice (Matthew 16 & 18) in the New Testament. Once he spoke of the church when he founded it (16) and then he talked about the way we should relate to one another (18). The church He established is a gathering of transformed people who worship Christ and follow His mission. Transformation happens when God takes hold of a life. We are moved from darkness to light, orphan to adopted child, sinner to saint by the work of Christ. Every thought & action begins to change (II Corinthians 5:17). Values & attitudes soon follow. Our mission in life changes. This does not happen when one 'joins the church' as one does any other organization. The church Jesus established is a living body of transformed people who think, behave, relate, love, forgive & get along in a way the world cannot do nor understand.

Jesus did not establish religious institution, organization or denomination. He used the Greek word ECCLESIA in Matthew 16 when establishing His church. An Ecclesia was a political term, a call out assembly; an assembly called out for a purpose. We, followers of Jesus; His church are called out of our everyday lives to assemble for his purpose. His purpose is simple yet profound and life changing, to love God with all our heart, soul and mind and love our brother as we love ourselves. We are then called out to teach everything He commanded as we make disciples wherever we go. We are called out to be the living body of Christ on earth. As His church we are to be His loving hand, smile and word wherever we go.

We are to be more like a mission outpost being missionaries wherever we go rather than a religious institution that is likened to a permanent structure or an earthly organization. One of the best analogies I heard compared the church, a mission outpost, to a M.A.S.H. Unit rather than a sterile hospital, a permanent structure as a religious institution. The Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (M.A.S.H.) goes wherever hurting people are, spending time near the front lines, operating near the end of its resources to help those who can’t get help any other way. The permanent structure uses much of their recourses keeping the building ready to help those who are able to come in the doors. The mission outpost operates by faith, as the pastor equips workers to serve and release their Spiritual gifts so each one can do their part. The religious institution operates by tradition, rules, majority, constitutions, business models, Pastors & deacons serve as executive officers & directors. Actions are a priority. They are always busy. They want others to be busy, join and be ‘like us’. In a mission outpost relationships are the priority. One becomes a part of the family by having a relationship with Jesus as we become like Him. In His church we grow in relationship with Him and others by becoming real in our walk with Him as we are open and honest with others in accountable growing relationships. This church, His Church, is not failing. It just has not really been tried or practiced as much as we think.