Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Being Mary

One year ago today I began a new chapter in my life.  I retired.  I began working, and getting paid for my labor, when I was a young teenager.  My first job was bagging groceries at the Big Star food store nearly 50 years ago.  Since then I’ve had 19 different jobs (that I can remember, and yes I counted.  I know, there’s therapy for such behavior).  I drove delivery trucks, worked in factories making such things as doors, mobile homes and auto license plates.  Most states use prison inmates to make license plates but that is another story.  I was a children’s daycare counselor, sold men’s clothing, upholstered furniture, and roofed houses.  I even worked as a debt collector.  Now that’s really another story.  Oh yeah, I also did a little work as a minister…for forty years.

All those different jobs gave me a well-rounded experience and viewpoint about life.  They also made me very tired.  I was raised to ‘give a day’s work for a day’s pay’.  I wasn't a workaholic but a hard worker, whether it was a minimum wage summer job or a career position with a six-figure salary, I gave it my best.  I was conscientious, meticulously organized and dedicated to the task.

Retirement has been quite an adjustment.  Shifting gears from having primary responsibility and ‘being in charge’ for most of my career hasn’t always been easy.  Most days I enjoy activities of my own choosing but there are also days where I’ve been bored and felt useless with absolutely nothing to do.  The latter has been the more difficult adjustment for a hyper person like me. 

People ask, “What are you doing now that you have retired?”  My initial answer was; “I have been trying to live each day following 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 where the Bible says, “to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.”  Leading a quiet self-sufficient life is actually more suitable to my natural personality.  I am really more comfortable as an introvert than the extroverted personality often expected for a minister.  But God called into the ministry and gifted me for the task so I put my shy nature aside and worked hard at following God’s call to teach, preach and live the truth of the Gospel even when it ran counter to my preferred personality.  Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining.  It has been a wonderful and exciting adventure. 

However, I learned there is a difference in doing what is expected and what God desires.  There is also a difference in ‘working for’ and ‘walking with’ the Lord.  As a hyper guy driven by a strong work ethic, I fit well in Baptist church life.  I think we have an unspoken theology that the busier we are the less likely we are to fall into sinful activities.  “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop and idle hands are the devil’s tools.”  I often shared my favorite church poem; “Mary had a little lamb.  It would have been a sheep.  But it joined a Baptist Church and died from lack of sleep.”  We even had a song in our hymnal entitled, ‘We'll Work Till Jesus Comes’!  We love to stay busy doing good for God.  I worked hard studying theology, Hebrew, Greek, and anything else that would help me understand and teach the most accurate truth of God’s word, which was good.  But, I also learned that there were times when my ‘good’ activities clouded and distracted me from a more personal walk with Jesus.  When one closes out distractions, one can more clearly spend quality time hearing Jesus.   Now, there is nothing wrong with much of the activity that comes with church work, until it gets in the way of walking with God.  I often said, “One of Satan’s favorite activities is to get believers involved in a good cause.”  One can get so busy that one can miss the joy of just being with Jesus.  It can become easy to fall into the routine of working hard to please others (and self) rather than doing what God desires. That's a real danger for dedicated busy church members and ministers. 

So now when people ask, “What do you do now?” I have learned a better response; “I realized that I spent 40 years working hard being ‘Martha’ and now I am enjoying being ‘Mary’”.  That declaration comes from the following scripture; Luke 10:38-42, “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.  She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”    
I realized that over the years I had often become distracted by “all the preparations that had to be made”.  There were times when, like Martha, I would become worried and upset over “many things”.  Oh, I was sincere with good intentions but there were always things that “needed” to be done.  And I often thought if I didn’t do them then they wouldn’t get done  or they wouldn’t get done well or the way I thought they should be done (OK I admit it!  Happy?).  Jesus told Martha, and those of us who get busy with “all the preparations”, that actually only a “few things are needed—or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

As I cleaned out my office that had become crowded over the years with books, writings, sermons, certificates, plaques, awards, etc. I realized much of the stuff I worked long and hard in accumulating is temporary.  Most has now been either given away or is in boxes in my attic and garage. While being busy with the “preparations that had to be made” seemed important at the time nothing should ever get in the way of simply enjoying time with Jesus. That activity will continue into eternity.  That’s why the better choice of Mary who “sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said”, will not be taken away. 

So, what am I doing now that I have retired? I am enjoying being more like Mary.  As a product of the Mississippi public school system perhaps I was a slow learner.  I guess I had to retire in order to fully get it.  But let me share this little secret with you: no matter what age or place you may be in your life or career or how demanding things may seem to be, you can ‘choose what is better’ today!  You don’t have to retire or stop good work in your church, community or charity just don’t get caught in the trap, as Martha and I did, of being so busy that you miss the pure joy of just spending time sitting “at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said”.  Jesus knew Martha loved Him as much as Mary did, as do I.  Jesus also knew Martha meant well, as did I.  He loved Martha as much as He loved Mary, as He also loves us.  But, Mary found the secret to greater blessings and joy in her life and relationship with Jesus and it was never taken away.  So as your days unfold don’t get too busy to just sit at the Lord’s feet and listen to what He says.  

Friday, December 2, 2016

“You’re going to be OK!”

“You’re going to be OK!”  The older I get the more I realize how important and comforting that sentence can be…especially if it comes from one with knowledge and authority.  In 2001 I had two major surgeries for a rare and life threatening illness with unusual complications that caused my surgeon to recommend a specialist in another state with a reputation as one of the best in the world.  Obviously it paid off because I am still here some 15 years later.  Each year I make the journey back to the huge medical complex in another state for tests to make sure all is still well with my health.  It always means a lot to hear from those with knowledge and authority that I am going to be OK. 

Several years ago I realized the age to consider retirement was rapidly approaching.  Math was never my strong suit but I each birthday with a zero at the end got my attention.   So I began research to see how feasible and at what age retirement would be for me.  I am an overly obsessive thinker.  I have always walked the tightrope between obsessive thoughts and OCD behavior (the D means disorder which can have a negative or crippling effect on the way one lives).  The OCD personality obsesses over making the ‘right’ decision.  “Did I make the right decision?  Should I go back and change my mind?” etc.  Well, I didn’t struggle with every decision, when it comes to deciding if I want pizza the choice is easy buy the more weight a decision carries the harder my obsessive compulsive tendencies kick in.  I almost drove myself crazy buying my first house.  Over the years I learned the secret to keep the obsessive compulsive thoughts from becoming full blown OCD is to focus on learning to live with the ‘best’ decision rather than obsessing on making the ‘right’ decision.  The decision on major surgeries was easy… let’s see, two major surgeries in six months or death…Duh!

However, when it came to retirement, which is often the final major decision in life (one article called it the ‘final adjustment’, I guess that means someone else can decide on the casket), I found myself wrestling with those obsessive compulsive thought patterns again.  I sought the opinion of ‘experts’.  I read and studied the writings and opinions of famous professional financial advisors.  I used every retirement calculator I could find.  However, I still needed to be affirmed.  So I did an internet search on the top 10 financial advisers in my state.  Then I narrowed the search to those in a reasonable driving distance.  Finally, I sought those from financial institutions with a long solid history.  After all the research I was led to the person who best met my qualifications.  She used her vast expertise and tools available to analyze my portfolio and prospects.  She gave me charts, graphs & projections and advice.  It was worth all the time spent in research and the work when she looked me in the eye and said simply, “You’re going to be OK!” 

It is hard to express what it means when a doctor, with a world respected reputation, looks you in the eye and speaking of your health says, “You’re going to be OK!”  Then to have one of the best financial advisors who works for one of the most respected financial institutions in the country speak to you of your retirement prospects smile and say, “You’re going to be OK!”  When one with authority and wisdom utters that brief sentence even an obsessive compulsive thinker can find peace that allows a good night’s sleep.  However, there is a matter more important than health or financial security. 

When this life is over and eternity waits wouldn’t it be great to have someone with knowledge and authority say, “You’re going to be OK!”  Well, there’s good news for you.  His name is Jesus and he gave us that ultimate affirmation in John 14:1-4.  Jesus knew his time on earth was drawing to a close and his disciples needed affirmation that would carry them through the difficult days ahead.  He told them (and all future disciples); “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” 

In the concise and profound way that only Jesus could do (remember John 1:14, He is the Word in flesh) we are told we don’t have to worry that there is plenty room in Heaven and He, who learned carpentry as a boy with His earthly father, will prepare a place just for us.  So we don’t have to fret when this life is over because He, who has already experience death and knows what it is like, will come to escort us to our eternal home to be with Him forever.  Now remember this affirmation is coming from one who has ultimate authority (see Matthew 28:18).  He knows what he is talking about and can back it up with His authority, wisdom and experience.  So we can rest assured, if we place our faith in Jesus, no matter what happens with our finances, our health or how upsetting the situation in the world may be…“You’re going to be OK!”  

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Today Is The Day!

Brittany Maynard was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer.  She was 29.  Following her diagnosis and a surgery that removed less than half of her rapidly growing tumor, Brittany made a decision that would catapult her to the forefront of the death with dignity debate.  She chose to move from her home state of California to Oregon where physician-assisted death for terminally ill patients is legal.  At the time, it was against the law in California.  She chose Nov. 1, 2014, as her final day.  While everyone has their own opinion her Brittany’s choice her mother described her daughter’s decision; “When you’re talking about a terminally ill patient, you have to realize that each death takes its own journey. Brittany was having some very difficult symptoms. She woke up and said, ‘Let’s go for a walk.  It was just a beautiful day and I couldn’t help myself.  I asked, ‘Are you sure today is the day?’  A mom always has to do that. And she said, ‘Yeah, Mom, today is the day.” Brittany returned home to her bedroom, where she was joined by family in what she described as the “circle of love.”  She took her medicine and her last breath. 

Most do not wake choosing today as their last day of life on this earth but all can choose how to live today.  God gives us the remarkable choice to decide how we will live each day.  We may not get to pick the circumstances that surround us but we can determine how we respond and react to everything that comes our way.  Scripture gives us bountiful guidance on how to make the most of each day.  Three short verses  in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 has a mouthful to say on the subject; Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  Each day we should make a deliberate decision to rejoice, pray and continually give thanks no matter what the day brings.  This is not only God’s will but it is the best formula for overcoming and turning things around.  Notice the verse did not say to give thanks ‘for’ all things but give thanks ‘in’ all things.  The difference is significant.  We life in a sin-scarred world where evil exists, bad things happen to good people and one cannot possibly be thankful ‘for’ all things.  However, when we place our faith in Christ we can truly find a reason to be thankful ‘in’ all situations.  No matter how bad it gets the worst thing that happens to believers in Christ is that they die and spend eternity in Heaven.  No matter how things seem out of control, unreasonable or unfair in this life, and they often are, this world and life is not the ultimate reality.  Sin, injustice, violence, sickness and even death do not get the last word.  Jesus does.  So in all things, when one’s trust and faith is in Jesus, there is reason to rejoice, pray and be thankful. 

Therefore, I believe the more important issue is not how and when we die but how we live.  One of my favorite movies & books is ‘Lonesome Dove’.  For those unfamiliar it is the story of two Texas Rangers; Captain Augustus "Gus" McCrae and Captain Woodrow F. Call.  Captain Call is the ‘no frills’ hard working driven boss while Gus loves to talk about philosophy with a good humored approach to making the most of every opportunity to enjoy life.  In one of many memorable scenes they are discussing a lady friend of past days.  Call focuses on hear death in the discussion.  Gus becomes frustrated with Call’s perspective and says: “Woodrow, you just don't ever get the point – 'It's not dyin' I'm talkin' about, it's livin'!”  Death comes to all whether we choose the day and way our life ends or let it come whatever way it happens.  The point I’m also trying to make is not about dyin’, it’s about livin’!  So choosing our last day, dying with dignity, may not be as important for most as choosing today to live with dignity.  One does that by making a deliberate decision to live each day and each moment of that day as a time of total love. 

Matthew 22:36-40 teaches us that all of our understanding of God’s direction for our lives can be summed up in what is called the greatest commandment.  Someone asked Jesus, “Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the Law?” Jesus answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is, “Love others as much as you love yourself.” All the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets are based on these two commandments. 

We do not know that we will have tomorrow.  All we have is today; actually this moment of this day is all we really have.  I don’t know if I will live to see sunset today much less sunrise tomorrow.  However, If we make every effort, each moment of each day, to live a life which shows complete, total and passionate love for God and all that is God then today can be our best day whether it is our last day or not.  And if we make every effort, each moment of each day, to live a life which shows complete, total and passionate love to everyone we encounter during the day then today can be our best day whether it is our last day or not.  So whether we will see the sunrise tomorrow or not, let today be the day!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

When I'm 64

I confess I have been dwelling in a time of sadness for too long.  I am 64 years old, the age Paul McCartney wrote about pondering his relevance in old age asking his loved one “will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm sixty-four?”  By the way Paul McCartney wrote that song as a young teenager.  At that young age 64 indeed seemed ancient.  Paul McCartney is ten years older than me.  Now at age 74, and still preforming, he is obviously still feeling quite needed and feeding himself rather well a decade past the age that he, as a young teenager, thought would be clearly past the age of being relevant.   Ah the way our perspective changes with maturity.  When I was a young teenager with far less musical talent that Paul McCartney I could not dreamed I would have the life I can look back on now at age 64. 

I have had a truly wonderful life that has been far beyond anything the shy little boy from Columbus, MS could have ever imagined.  Even at the ripe old age of 64, I am actually in pretty good shape for the shape I’m in.  I have been blessed with an incredible family.  I have a wife who loves me more than her own life.  My children have grown to be wonderful independent and successful women.  At 64 I still feel needed (especially when my technology challenged wife is trying to do something on the computer) and I do a more than adequate job of feeding myself, so why the sadness? 

Well, I must confess that there are times when I do miss some of the days gone by.  I grew up in a small town that seemed to me like growing up in Mayberry; innocent, safe and fun.  I was blessed to grow up in one of the most loving and nurturing homes I have seen.  My parents modeled true love and joy in their lives as long as they lived.  I miss talking to them.  I am extremely proud of the women my girls have grown up to be, but I miss having them running around the house.  I have been blessed to have a mother and father-in-law who loved me like one of their own.  However, it saddens me to see daily increasing ways that Alzheimer's, cancer and other ailments rob them of life. 

As a pastor for nearly 40 years I stood and shared with grieving families in enough hospital rooms, nursing homes and gravesides where it was hard not to be sad even when I proclaimed (and still believe in the hope of Christ).  I have traveled to 5 of the 7 continents ministering and proclaiming the love and hope of the Gospel.  I have had glorious experiences beyond my dreams and have met wonderful inspirational brothers and sisters in the faith all around the world.  My many years and vast experiences have allowed me to experience the roller coaster of emotions in this life. 

I have discovered that even with the belief of abundant and eternal life that is the heart of the Gospel, there can be an overwhelming sadness that creeps into every life.  I have witnessed and experienced the reality of the great evil and injustice in this world.  Evil exists.  Evil, hate, bigotry will always be in this life creating sadness.  A small child taught me that EVIL is LIVE spelled backwards.  The key is to reverse EVIL and LIVE. 

Psalm 104 has been a ‘go to’ scripture for me since the days of my youth.  When I have times of despair or when sadness creeps in it is important to be reminded who is in control, who created and is still managing things according to His plan.  Go there as often as you can. 

In that same mood Mary Oliver wrote a poem, entitled The Summer Day where she ponders the uniqueness of life and in the simple everyday items of God’s wonderful world brimming with life, unique creatures…and death.  She closes with the question that makes the point that much of how we enjoy or despair in life is dependent on our own decision concerning what we plan to do with our one wild and precious life. 
Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean-the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention,
how to fall down into the grass,
how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed,
how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Yes, there is wondrous life all around us.  There is also death that comes to all and often seemingly too soon.  So in the midst of it all it is up to us to decide how we will spend our one wild and precious life.  My dad had a plaque on his desk that read, “For every second you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”  The same is true with sadness or any other emotion that robs you of joy.  One may not be able to ward off the emotions that come our way but it is up to us to keep them from settling in and making themselves at home in our lives.  You cannot keep the birds from flying overhead but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair.  So, make a deliberate daily decision to live in the enjoyment of the simple pleasures of God’s unique world. 

I could be handy, mending a fuse when your lights have gone. You can knit a sweater by the fireside, Sunday mornings go for a ride. Doing the garden, digging the weeds, who could ask for more? Will you still need me; will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pastor, how should I vote?

Recently a member of my former church called and asked, “Pastor, I am troubled with this presidential election.  Both candidates have major moral flaws.  You taught us to always look to scripture for guidance.  Could you direct me to a scripture to help me decide how to vote?”  First, I was delighted that I was remembered as one who taught people to look to scripture for guidance.  Second, I think this was the first time in 36 years as a pastor I had been asked about political advice.  As a minister of the Gospel I always made it a strong point to publicly stay out of politics, for several reasons.  First and foremost, my call was to proclaim and share the truth of the message of Jesus.  That often meant speaking frankly on moral issues but I wanted to make every effort that my message and life pointed people to the unifying love of Christ.  Especially from the pulpit I steered clear of discussions on sports and politics as they can be and often are divisive.  I wanted people to know I was for Jesus.  I carefully stayed away from political arguments whether secular or religious (oh yes, Virginia, politics exists in the church).  People knew I my religious loyalty and preferences were more Biblical than denominational. They were also left to wonder about my sports and political preferences. But, keen eyed visitors to my office could notice a well-worn customized cowbell with a motorcycle jelly grip handle from my college days.      

However, nearly a year after my retirement as their pastor, I had a former member who still respected my guidance as their pastor as they were truly troubled and seeking help.  I told him while there is no specific scriptural ‘voter guide’ the Apostle Paul writes in 1 Timothy 2:1-3; I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,

Jesus was born into a world of evil, corrupt and immoral leaders that would make our current political climate seem G Rated.  He was (and still is) more interested in changing individual hearts than political leaders.  The Gospel message of love, grace and forgiveness has thrived no matter the political climate.  History has shown God often used corrupt leaders to accomplish His purpose from the time of Moses until today.  I think that tactic really infuriates the Evil One.  While many have tried, no political leader in history has been able to snuff out the movement of the Gospel.  They have persecuted and martyred faithful followers of Christ throughout the years but the movement of God has never been stopped.  His will is always accomplished.  In fact, the Gospel has often thrived best in times of political persecution. 

So while each election can be an important one, pleasing God is still the priority.  Each person has to vote according to their conscience.  My advice was (and is) this; vote in a manner that will allow you to have a clear conscience before God.  If there is no candidate on the ballot who allows you to make that choice write in one that does, whether the write in is ‘Jesus’ or ‘None of the Above’.  That will allow you to exercise your civic duty as a voter, then follow 1 Timothy 2:1-3 as you continually pray for all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. Voting is important.  It is not only a civic duty but a right and responsibility that has been provided to us by the blood and sacrifice of lives many who have gone before us.  It is a privilege that many around the world do not have.   So pray and vote.  Then pray for all who are in authority. 

However, never forget that our real hope is not in a political leader, party or philosophy.  Our hope is in the unifying love, forgiveness and grace of Christ.  In all things let that love, forgiveness and grace bring you together with your fellowman.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior (who, I think, approves this message). 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Precious, Fragile and Fleeting

Yesterday Cathy and I took her dad to the doctor and returned home on our usual route, down Highway Church Road as we have done countless times in visits to her parents’ home over the years.  Who knows how many times she has commented on how fast the people drive down this road as they seem to ignore the speed limit.  The road tops a hill where Highway Pentecostal Holiness Church sits to the right when you are traveling east, as we do on our way home.  The peak of the hill is the only place where you cannot see oncoming traffic until they are upon you.  Often we have been startled to meet a car speeding over the hill arriving at the peak of the Highway Church hill.  We passed this point around 5:20 pm yesterday (that is significant).  Cathy’s father had remarked about the 5 pm traffic as we took him home.  If you have not become bored with these facts and quit reading already, hang on, I share this non-exciting account of our journey home yesterday for a reason. 

This morning I read in the paper where a fatal head on collision occurred on Highway Church Road at 5:22 pm yesterday.  A woman and her child were heading east, only a couple of minutes behind Cathy and me.  I told you the time of 5:20 was significant.  She topped the same hill that often hides oncoming traffic to meet a speeding car in her lane.  She died instantly.  Her son is in the hospital and should survive but his life will never be the same. 

As I read about this automobile accident my heart went out to those involved.  I was also immediately reminded that Cathy and I had passed that same spot only a few minutes earlier.  Only a couple of minutes and what a world of difference; one family will grieve the loss of a wife & mother for the rest of their days while we made it home to another ‘uneventful’ evening.  One rarely knows how a minute or two can make such a difference in life or death.  Life can turn in an instant.  My mother died in mid-sentence talking with my dad at age 68.  She was healthier at 68 than I am at 64.  My own life was miraculously preserved 17 years ago.   Our doctor told Cathy, “You don’t know how close you came to waking one morning to find that Bill died in his sleep.  His situation is usually discovered in the autopsy as we wonder why someone his age died so suddenly.’ For more on that event go to the article I wrote on Monday, February 21, 2011 entitled, “Ten Years Later”.   The point, once again, is to remember that each breath could be the last.  In fact one breath will indeed be the last, we just never know when.  Therefore make each breath count.  Use it to say good, kind and loving things.  You may not get another chance.  

Before I retired I often made the point in sermons and funerals about how life is precious, fragile and fleeting.  Each one of us is a unique creation of God.  There has never been anyone like us in the past and will never be in the future.  That is why each life, each individual, is irreplaceable.  We must never take any life for granted.  It can never be replaces.  We must remember to love one another with grace that allows each one to reach their full potential in this life.  This is the only chance we get to walk in this world. 

Again, in my years as a minister, I was with many people and families in times of death.  The saddest situations involved a life ending with regret. It is tragic how often one will know they are on their death bead and express sorrow for things not done or not done as well as they could have been.  The best way to avoid regret is to take care of those things now.  Forgive immediately, forget quickly, do whatever it takes to live in peace with others, live without fear, and chase your dream with passion. 
The experiences mentioned above are my daily reminders that every day is a precious, fragile and fleeting gift from God.  I already knew that but waking this morning to discover that we were only moments ahead of a fatal accident made me go back and have a greater appreciation for another ordinary evening yesterday.  Tonight Cathy and I will probably do what we normally do most nights.  We will have dinner, sit outside and watch the birds until sundown then read and try to stay awake until 9:30.  I know it is does not sound thrilling but there will come a day when, whatever you do with your time, it all comes to an end.  I used John 10:10 as my text the first time I preached in a church.  Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”  Make Him proud of how you live the life He gave you and fulfill His purpose in coming. 

Live abundantly!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Soar On Wings Like Eagles

I had just returned from a getaway in the mountains where we could not get internet or cell phone service.  I regret that we did find enough gasoline to return home.  I was actually silently wishing we would run our of gas and have to stay but one can’t have everything.  There is something about getting away to the quiet, strong solitude of the mountains to settle the spirit.  Have you noticed how often Jesus went to the mountains for times of prayer and spiritual refreshment or retreat?  If he needed to get away from the everyday hassle of life to renew his spirit how much of that lesson should we learn from the master teacher?  I share the following pictures and thoughts with you from two of my mountain experiences.

The first is the morning mist of the mountains of North Carolina that greeted me during the week.  I was reminded of Psalm 121:1-3 “I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber.”  The hills show the solid strength of God.  The mountain air seems to offer wonderful relaxing sleep.  The worries that often keep us up tossing and turning preventing restful sleep seemed to dissolve as when we lift our eyes to the hills remembering that our help comes from the Lord.  Sleep, rest and peace come when we give our worries to God trusting Him to solve them according to His perfect wisdom and will.  I once read of a old man who said he never lost sleep worrying at night, “cause God promised to be up watchin’ all night anyway, no sense in both of us stayn’ up so I go on to sleep!”

The second picture is from an Elk hunt in the Colorado with some friends many years ago.  The hunt was nothing to write home about anyway, while I love the outdoors and nature I am not much of a hunter.  I never thought there was much sport in sneaking up on animals with overpowering long-range rifles.  The only real hunting or fishing I do happens when I hit the golf ball in the woods or water.  Sorry about that but I could not help myself.  Anyway, as the more serious hunters went up one mountain seeking their wild game while I took my four-wheeler and sought other adventure on another mountain.  I found a Rocky Mountain peak and spent some time with the Lord of the Universe.  While there I looked up (which is a good place to look when conversing with God) and noticed an eagle high above the mountains.  I was fascinated by the heights he had attained.  Here I was several thousand feet above sea level but that majestic eagle was soaring over the snow capped peaks of the Rocky Mountains.  Immediately I thought of a favorite verse from Isaiah 40:31; “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  The Hebrew language of this verse is literally a picture of putting on God’s strength as a garment to gain HIS strength rather than gaining a second wind of your own. 

As I watched the eagle for nearly an hour I noticed the eagle never flapped his wings once, such is the nature of effortless soaring.  His lofty flight was not due to his effort but the powerful upward draft of the winds from the mountain peaks.  There was the word from the Father and the lesson!  For much of my life I have been like a sparrow, busily flapping my arms in my own efforts to soar.  Sparrows do not soar and never get the majestic view from the soaring heights of the eagle.  Jesus describes the life of born again believers in John 3:8 like this, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."    Relying on our abilities, wisdom or strength to lift us will never allow us to reach the heights God intends.  In fact it will keep us grounded more than allowing us to soar.  

My Father continues to remind me to put on his strength daily to find the resources to soar in life.  He also reminds me to stop ‘flapping my wings’ of personal effort and spread my wings to let the ‘wind of the Spirit' take me to heights that I never could imagine!   It was good to getaway and have those reminders again.  I hope they help you soar in the days ahead also!