Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Did Jesus Gripe?

They seem to be everywhere. They gripe and complain about everything. They find fault at every turn in life. You see them on the news griping and complaining about having to wait in lines for food, water or gas after a hurricane. I am amazed at how easy they complain and never once consider those who died or lost loved ones just a few hours earlier in the same storm who would gladly stand in the line had not that same storm taken their lives. I realize that there are many more who do realize the grace bestowed on them and express gratitude whenever possible. Those are the ones whom unquestionably reflect the light of Christ. But, what about those complainers? They taste food (not their own cooking) and it is not flavored or seasoned to suit their palate. They watch sports but the athletes and coaches (who are playing and coaching a game at a level beyond their abilities) never perform at a level that pleases them. No one ever drives as well as he or she does. No one at the work place knows what to do as well as they do. However, they are rarely ever promoted to the area of responsibility to fix those things that they know more about than everyone else. So, they just gripe and complain at every turn. And they go to church! Goodness knows they go to church! That is where they ‘enjoy’ most of their griping and complaining. And make no mistake about it. This is a lifestyle that they choose and have developed a warped sense of enjoyment, which will be discussed in more detail later.
There is something that one needs to experience to know the full understanding of studying all week to prepare a Gospel message to deliver eternal truth that may effect the eternal destiny of a listener. Then internalizing the message to communicate it in a manner with few notes as to communicate it in a conversational manner to keep the attention of the listener so they will hear and understand eternal truth. After taking hours to do the former one then stands and delivers that message, live, in front of a large audience as well as they possibly can with every intention of making sure that eternity will matter for the listener. There are few experiences on this planet like having the first person rush up to you after such preparation and delivery and say (speaking the truth in love, in their mind); “Pastor, you had a double negative in your first sentence!” I guess we all get what we come for when we go to church.
Jesus was God in flesh. Being fully human he had the complete range of human emotion. Jesus wept. John 11:35 is everyone’s reminder of the shortest verse in the Bible. The second shortest verse is I Thessalonians 5:16, the command to, “Rejoice always” but that is another message. Jesus was angry, (all four gospels record anger when he saw people using the temple for personal gain) but he did not sin. Anger is a proper human emotion. We should be angry at such things as abortion, child and spousal abuse and any evil behavior. But our anger should always be channeled toward righteous redemptive reforming action and never sin. Jesus laughed. Although there is no single verse that points to Jesus laughing, I am certain He did. Children always were attracted to Jesus. Have you ever seen children running to play with a sourpuss? Jesus was (and still is) fun to be with!
Jesus showed us all the human emotion and behavior we should model and copy and those He never demonstrated should never be practiced by us. Jesus never worried. Jesus was never afraid. He always had complete trust in the Father. Again, these are all other messages. At this moment I want to address the fact that Jesus NEVER griped or complained. And believe me, if anyone had a platform for a complaint, Jesus with His transition from Heaven’s throne to the poverty stricken life of suffering that led to the cross He endured for our sin, could have an excuse for a note in the suggestion box of live but He bore it all and scorned the shame without complaining, making excuses or griping.
It is easier to find fault than to be positive. That is one reason so many choose that pathway. It is the way of least resistance.