Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mission, Possible!

A frustrated pastor entered my office and said, “I don’t think my congregation respects my leadership.” I responded by asking him, “Where are you leading them?” There was a very long awkward silence as he gave me a ‘deer in the headlights look’ followed by, “What do you mean?” The rest of the visit was a delicate discussion where I tried to tactfully explain this truth; if you don’t know where you are going, you can’t lead and you certainly can’t expect people to respect or follow. Knowing where you are going is vital to everyone whether you are the lead dog or just one of the pack. Of course, as children of God there is no, “just one of the pack!” Each one of us is a unique creation of God. He tells us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” in Psalm 139. In the entire world and in all creation there has never been anyone like you. No matter what Shirley McLane tells us, we have not been here before, this is it and you are special!

Now that we have that established you need to realize that God created you with intention for a reason. He has a purpose for you. Rick Warren was not the first to realize this. Life is far too precious and brief to miss your purpose. Far too many people drift through life day after day hoping things will happen or wondering why they can never catch a break that others seem to catch. Others just seem to exist. What a tragic way to spend the precious fragile gift that only God can give us. So, how does one avoid the dilemma of the pastor I introduced to begin this article? It can be very helpful to write a personal mission statement. When we put something in writing it means we have given it thought and intention rather than just ‘wishing’ it so. Creating a written document gives direction, foundation and focus. The U.S. Constitution is our written foundation. We continually refer to that document to keep us focused and keep us on track as a nation.

A mission statement can be simple or it can have a beginning statement with other refinements giving clarity. They can evolve and be fluid as your life changes and matures. The point is to move through life with purpose rather than drifting and then looking back with regret. My personal mission statement is this: My mission is to know Christ and make Him known. This is a simple, yet to me, profound, way to express a way to give intention to all I do as a husband, father and child of God. All activities evolve out of these principles.
I accomplish my mission by:

  • daily by learning, understanding and becoming acquainted with Him through prayer, reading and study of the Bible, as well as other books and occasions to better know Him,
  • sharing Him in word and deed in all my actions first at home with my relationship with my wife and family, then with all I encounter
  • and finally my mission is to make Him known by reflecting His truth and nature as I live abundantly in all I do.

This gives me a proper foundation, purpose, integrity and fullness on a daily basis. Give it some thought. You have a purpose. You have a mission. This is your life make the most of it!