Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Who Speaks for God?

“God told me...” is a phrase that is frequently heard in the Christian community. “I feel led...” or “I have been praying and I have a peace about...” are also popular phrases. All too often they mean, “This is how I want to obtain MY mandate!” When I hear someone say “God told me…” I like to tease and ask “What did His voice sound like when He told you? I always thought he would sound like James Earl Jones or have an English accent was I correct? Or when they say they were “feeling led” I like to ask, “was that similar to the sensation you feel when you bite into a peppermint patty?” You can tell why I am not invited to a lot of parties.
I am also not too impressed when someone has a “sense of peace” about doing something even if it is a result of prayer. Even a two-year old has peace when they get their own way. Leaders of cults pray and gain peace from the lack of a conscience more than real direction from God. The peace of God, from prayer, is affirmed by scripture, prayer, circumstances and the church, not simply the whim or feeling of a single individual.
I don’t diminish the fact that God speaks and leads. He does! Nor do I discount the importance of prayer in seeking God’s direction. It is essential, when done properly. However, I am incredulous when those or similar phrases are used for the advancement of a personal agenda, idea or desire. Call me a skeptic but when anyone claims a direct word from God as if they just got off the phone with Him, I worry. Claiming a word from God or wrapping God around personal desires should always stir caution.
Declaring a word from God is serious business. The famous preacher of England, C. H. Spurgeon, said he “trembled” lest he should misinterpret the Word. Our Biblical forefathers also had a high view of God’s holy voice. It should never be used lightly or to promote a political or personal agenda, idea or desire.
So, how does one know what God is saying or to whom God is speaking or leading? Who does speak for God? You see, God still speaks quite nicely and clearly for Himself through His Word, the Bible. Henry Blackaby said it well in Experiencing God; “God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways.” It is our task to be in a church, to pray, read, study and obey what He has already said rather than claim or look for a new word. Don’t be fooled. Get into God’s Word and into a fellowship of Bible teaching believers. That is where He still speaks and leads most clearly! So, who Speaks for God? He does quite well for Himself!