Tuesday, August 26, 2008

When You Change The Way You Look At Things, The Things You Look At Change

What do you do when things don’t go as planned? All can recount times when we thought we were doing our best to move in God’s direction and life threw us a huge curve. We have been progressing in sincerity, prayer and earnest work and we meet with a dead-end. Either something has gone wrong with God’s leading or our expectations. What do you do? How do cope with the reality? Do you lose faith? Do you press forward harder into the wall? Or do you step back and try to revaluate the situation and learn something new that may be the reason God allowed the dead end. God has historically allowed His children to hit walls to teach lessons in faith, perseverance, growth and deliverance. Remember the descendants of Israel went from Egypt to the wall of the Red Sea before they were miraculously delivered.
Paul is another classic example in Philippians 1:12-18. He surrendered to preach, following God’s leadership, leaving a successful lifestyle and wound up in a Philippian jail. He had not committed a crime. His street preaching was stirring up problems for the locals who wanted to keep religion under their control. They had enough connections with the legal authorities to trump up charges to get him arrested. Not only was he taken off the streets where he was previously preaching but there were people who began preaching simply to keep things stirred to keep him in jail. The normal human response might be, “This is the thanks I get! Why try?” Paul was the same person who wrote that we know God’s will by having a renewed mind (Romans 12:2) so he was not used to thinking the same old way. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Paul knew when God closes one door it is to lead you to open another. Remember who is in control of all eternity. God is working all things toward His purpose and that may not always be to your personal convenience at that moment. Paul knew it was not about him but God’s purpose. We become confused, defeated, discouraged if we look for what we think is best for us. In his human nature Paul could not be satisfied with being in chains (Not in his best interest). However, as a believer he had given over his interests to God’s purpose and that was to advance the Gospel. All believers are to deny self (ego) and follow Jesus (Luke 9:23). It is not about us!
With a changed way of looking at things, this became the ideal advancement. You see the most difficult task for street preacher is to keep people from walking away. Now as a prisoner Paul was surrounded by guards who could not leave. He had a captive audience. Immediately his situation had changed because his perspective had changed. He could preach long and hard and the guards had to stay and listen. When they were converted a shift change would bring a new audience. What a set up God had given him! God wanted revival among the Praetorian Guard so he had his best preacher arrested.
What about the work outside? God in control of that also, Paul’s preaching was an inspiration to other preachers so they began preaching and as far as those who preached from false motives? So what, Christ is still preached and that is what we wanted so they are actually helping the cause also. You can’t defeat God and His purpose. No matter the method, odds, or the motives God turns everything toward His eternal will. All through history He has turned Satan’s efforts into His victory. Herod tried to kill Jesus as a baby and God used that event to fulfill prophecy. Satan tried to tempt Jesus as an adult and this gave us insight to conquer temptation today. Satan thought he had Him on the cross but this gave salvation for whosoever places faith in Jesus.
If you want to turn things around get on God’s side. Change your way of looking at the situation. Stop thinking about how things affect you and your feelings. Turn your thinking around. Ask what can I do to accomplish His purpose here? When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change!