Saturday, August 9, 2008

Listen Carefully

“You can hear a lot by just listening.” I think Yogi Berra said that, if not it sounds like one of his but the problem I wish to discuss comes from the fact that lately not too many of us really seem to be listening. As a professional speaker, well I have been paid for it, I am careful to listen to myself and others. I am often amazed by what I hear and how others seem unaffected by what I think should get us riled up.

Some of it is the stuff that causes my wife to wish I would go in the other room when I critique the TV announcers. Why do they have to say “First-ever”? Isn’t that redundant? Sportscasters speak of “good speed”. Then is bad speed’ better than slow? Now I admit that these are just things that irritate a perfectionist but there are better examples that have more lasting and serious consequences.

In this political season we should listen carefully to what is said and what is not said as our countries’ future is at stake. Politicians are masters at avoiding the question and making one think they gave an answer. Just because they are smooth talkers does not mean they will be the best for the job. TV personalities sound impressive and even spiritual as they speak of “following one’s own truth” or finding “your inner truth” however, none of this is Biblically based. In fact the Bible speaks of following Jesus as truth and your inner truth is sinful. So be careful.

More importantly are those who speak from pulpits. As one who will be judged for what he says I am very careful and invite the audience to listen and correct me when I am in error. That is why I took no shortcuts in education and study and continue to do so. Eternity hangs in the balance. I am constantly amazed at what I hear and people sit and nod approvingly.

Just because they have a great delivery, an impressive church, large following, deep voice, TV studio, great hair (that lets me out) or any or all of the above does not necessarily mean they are sharing the truth. Remember Jesus did not have an impressive production from a stadium or mega-church but when he spoke “the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not at their teachers of the law. (Matthew 7:28-29). We still do well to listen to him.